What is the proper way to beat Al-'Arifi?
Of course, the obligatory dig at Fox News is necessary here. I like how they make sure to slip in the word "Muslim" in the very first paragraph. No agenda there, clearly.
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What is the proper way to beat Al-'Arifi?
Of course, the obligatory dig at Fox News is necessary here. I like how they make sure to slip in the word "Muslim" in the very first paragraph. No agenda there, clearly.
[QUOTE="Bourbons3"]Men who beat women aren't men.GettingTired
Men who beat women aren't men.They're sexy men.Bourbons3
in the quran it says you are both equal and womean SHOuld lead in society and in everyway like a man coz they are equal
Qur'an, chapter 4 (An-Nisa), verse 34 says otherwise.
[QUOTE="kirk4ever"]in the quran it says you are both equal and womean SHOuld lead in society and in everyway like a man coz they are equal
Qur'an, chapter 4 (An-Nisa), verse 34 says otherwise.
that verse is reffering to if the women whores herselve when your not there" and it has nothing with my quote i said they are equal..noq go check the million verses where it says they are equal and should lead in society
[QUOTE="X360PS3AMD05"]Disgusting, Religion fails yet again.Paragon_
This has zero to do with religion, you ignorant fool.
Religion is used to justify and ensure the continuance of these acts...in this situation. I'm not saying that religion is inherently bad, religious folks, so don't get all pissed.
[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]There's a Saudi author and cleric named Muhammad Al-'Arifi with his own television show where he offers men marriage and relationship advice. Basically he's the Saudi equivalent of Dr. Phil. One of his recent broadcasts covered the proper way to beat your wife.
"Beatings should be light and not in the face."
"He must beat her where it will not leave marks."
:| Is this a common philosophy in Saudi Arabia?
Its a common philosophy in all the Abhramaic religions thanks to the writings in the old testament. I don't know if the bible ever explicitly states its okay to beat your wife, but considering the sheer amount of passages where it says that women are beneath men and should be completely submissive, along with the passages where it talks about how to correctly beat your slaves, its not too difficult of a conclusion to come to
wait right there jesus states in the bible that every one is equal men and woman and if u want a verse ill give it to u[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"][QUOTE="kirk4ever"]in the quran it says you are both equal and womean SHOuld lead in society and in everyway like a man coz they are equal
Qur'an, chapter 4 (An-Nisa), verse 34 says otherwise.
that verse is reffering to if the women whores herselve when your not there" and it has nothing with my quote i said they are equal..noq go check the million verses where it says they are equal and should lead in society
:| Beating your wife should never be acceptable, regardless of your wife being a whore or not.
[QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"][QUOTE="kirk4ever"]in the quran it says you are both equal and womean SHOuld lead in society and in everyway like a man coz they are equal
Qur'an, chapter 4 (An-Nisa), verse 34 says otherwise.
that verse is reffering to if the women whores herselve when your not there" and it has nothing with my quote i said they are equal..noq go check the million verses where it says they are equal and should lead in society
:| Beating your wife should never be acceptable, regardless of your wife being a whore or not.
What is the punishment for a man-whore?
[QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"][QUOTE="kirk4ever"]in the quran it says you are both equal and womean SHOuld lead in society and in everyway like a man coz they are equal
Qur'an, chapter 4 (An-Nisa), verse 34 says otherwise.
that verse is reffering to if the women whores herselve when your not there" and it has nothing with my quote i said they are equal..noq go check the million verses where it says they are equal and should lead in society
:| Beating your wife should never be acceptable, regardless of your wife being a whore or not.
well im pretty sure if your wife cheats on you youll slap her once..and thats what the verse you pointed out says..
wait right there jesus states in the bible that every one is equal men and woman and if u want a verse ill give it to ucheche321
It also says in one of Paul's letters (2nd Corinthians?) that women should remain silent in church and wait until they get home so their husbands can explain the teachings.
[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"][QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"][QUOTE="kirk4ever"]in the quran it says you are both equal and womean SHOuld lead in society and in everyway like a man coz they are equal
Qur'an, chapter 4 (An-Nisa), verse 34 says otherwise.
that verse is reffering to if the women whores herselve when your not there" and it has nothing with my quote i said they are equal..noq go check the million verses where it says they are equal and should lead in society
:| Beating your wife should never be acceptable, regardless of your wife being a whore or not.
What is the punishment for a man-whore?
70 lashes by a whip buhuhahahahaha
Ah, humans. What amazing creatures we are.foxhound_foxI hope an asteroid kils off ALL of us,or WW3 or something...
[QUOTE="Paragon_"][QUOTE="X360PS3AMD05"]Disgusting, Religion fails yet again.xXBuffJeffXx
This has zero to do with religion, you ignorant fool.
Religion is used to justify and ensure the continuance of these acts...in this situation. I'm not saying that religion is inherently bad, religious folks, so don't get all pissed.
Yes...religion is distorted by people for social or political gain. What's being discussed in this thread is not a reflection of Islam, nor is it relevant to Islam. What it is relevant tois the dishonest, manipulative, anddeceptive nature of these powerful figures in the middle east and elsewhere, which the ignorant on these forums often confuse with "religion."
[QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"]What is the punishment for a man-whore?
70 lashes by a whip buhuhahahahaha
I don't know if you're being serious or not.
[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]:| Beating your wife should never be acceptable, regardless of your wife being a whore or not.
well im pretty sure if your wife cheats on you youll slap her once..and thats what the verse you pointed out says..
I'd divorce her cheating ***, but never strike her.
I hope an asteroid kils off ALL of us,or WW3 or something...Indestructible2
[QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"][QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"]What is the punishment for a man-whore?
70 lashes by a whip buhuhahahahaha
I don't know if you're being serious or not.
what do you think? >:/ buhhahahh
So is there no punishment for a man sleeping with someone other than his wife? Or sleeping with a wife thats not his?
"Disgusting, Religion fails yet again."
Religion fails but God never does. And just because one guy does something stupid doesn't mean he is Godless. It just means he's off course. Beating a woman? How off course is that in Saudi Arabia? Ok...thinkabout you trying to survive in Saudi Arabia around a bunch of crazy dudes...and let your woman break tradition. Let her walk around the town spreading word that you are letting her get away with things that demand beatings and you let her break tradition. You know what would happen?You'd get murdered. Fast. Lucky that dude is atleast saying if done...let it be done lightly.
Learn about the cultures and societies firsthandand emphatically before you just spew something as dumb as "religion fails"
And truth be told, only few actually stand up to odds leading to certain death. That's why Jesus is loved so much.
[QUOTE="Indestructible2"]I hope an asteroid kils off ALL of us,or WW3 or something...foxhound_fox
[QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"][QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"]What is the punishment for a man-whore?
70 lashes by a whip buhuhahahahaha
I don't know if you're being serious or not.
what do you think? >:/ buhhahahh
So is there no punishment for a man sleeping with someone other than his wife? Or sleeping with a wife thats not his?
yes if a man/woman sleeps with a man/woman who is not there wife/husband..bring the lashez but not always there are some rules like forgiveness and social pressure and marrying each other so you cant just lash them ..and all theses toning to deaths and tuff are again man made :(
I watched the clip, and somehow, for some reason, it wasn't as shocking as I thought It would beverparanoidpers
It was very casual.
[QUOTE="verparanoidpers"]I watched the clip, and somehow, for some reason, it wasn't as shocking as I thought It would beOleg_Huzwog
It was very casual.
It felt like a Yoga session recorded by a rapist."It felt like a Yoga session recorded by a rapist."
In other words...a terrorist tape.
To me it was like watching some dudes that don't know how to make peace talk about what is right, according to traditions designed to impress eachother, in front of eachother...while being lazy, while avoiding anything remotely close toright action.
It was strange and anxious in feeling. How do you talk about beating a woman andpossibly becool enough to act relaxed? I'm clueless on that.
But that's Saudi stuff and I don't live there. So...none of my business.
No,just the sense of calm and casualness about such a brutal subject."It felt like a Yoga session recorded by a rapist."
In other words...a terrorist tape.
To me it was like watching some dudes that don't know how to make peace talk about what is right, according to traditions designed to impress eachother, in front of eachother...while being lazy, while avoiding anything remotely close toright action.
It was strange and anxious in feeling. How do you talk about beating a woman andpossibly becool enough to act relaxed? I'm clueless on that.
But that's Saudi stuff and I don't live there. So...none of my business.
[QUOTE="cheche321"] wait right there jesus states in the bible that every one is equal men and woman and if u want a verse ill give it to uOleg_Huzwog
It also says in one of Paul's letters (2nd Corinthians?) that women should remain silent in church and wait until they get home so their husbands can explain the teachings.
On "keeping silent in church" - Women are more verbal than men, and when they get together, they tend to flit from subject to subject. In the synagogues, the women were segregated from the men. If they had any questions on the worship or the teachings, they would have had to shout them over to the men, or discuss them among themselves, which would have been disorderly. And Paul emphasizes that his rules for church are given so that everything would be "done in a fitting and orderly way." (1 Corinthians 14:40)Disorderly communication, such as uninterrupted speaking in tongues, was prohibited. It was not Paul being sexist, it was him telling the woman in the Church to be silent because they were talkative."No,just the sense of calm and casualness about such a brutal subject."
I know. I get what you're saying in many different ways. I'd have said a yogist recording some rapists.
Maybe that's too easy... :p
Ok heres my two cents
coming from a family with a lot of domestic violence i can say in all honesty that i would never hit my wife/gf or indeed any girlfor any dumb reason these stupid ****s do. Note: i havnt got a wife im just saying...
Infact i havnt hit a girl before only males but some of them at my school sure do ask for a punch...damn women acting like men...
I'm sorry but I kinda giggled.SOedipus
Me too... for the same reason that clubbing baby seals makes me chuckle. It's so absurd, it's funny.
I'm sorry....I just don;t feel like he's qualified.....he never even brought up the use of the backhand........Omni-Slash
Omni-Slash, your resignation as a mod wasn't voluntary, was it? :lol:
[QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="X360PS3AMD05"]Disgusting, Religion fails yet again.bill7907
thats isnt religion..it isnt written in the koran..they just do it coz there foolz
If you don't know what you are talking about don'texpress yourself fool.
In the coran, it was never written that men need to beat their wives, but the state of the women plays an inferior role in some cultures, which leads to domination.
what is this "coran" you speak of? and it isnt a type-o either cause "c" is nowhere near the "k" button :|
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