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Too many factors to consider. Depending on the circumstances I may fight, run or just chill. I mean, it's difficult to imagine the military would use some college kid with a gun, as it would be little more than hindrance (and perhaps an additional bullet sponge) to people who by comparison spent years training for the job. Unless it was a really long war whereby I could be adequately trained, or a post-war insurgency, I simply don't see myself being of much use.
I'd grab my trusty Thompson in 1 hand, my Magnum in the other and strap the katana to my back.
then shoot/slice any baddies that get in my way. But ill probably end up getting shot by the first baddie that comes into sight.
I keep my head down, mind my own business, and retaliate only when necessary.
I ain't no hero...I am Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs.
The enemies have no morals that's fantasy. Not to...Nazis,Vikings, etc. They seemed pretty unmoralistic will all that pillaging,raping, and killing.[QUOTE="Urworstnhtmare"][QUOTE="Inconsistancy"] But... that's like moving from a warzone, into a drug cartel controlled nation with a ton of murder... I'd go to Canada or somewhere else that's civil.Inconsistancy
Im not exactly an expert, but isn't most of the drug cartel warzone near the US border? If you were to go south far enough would you be fine?
I dunno, maybe.. but it's still a craphole that people are trying to leave all the time.All my family lives there though. Craphole or not, that's where I'll be going.
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"][QUOTE="SkyWard20"] that's fantasy.Not to...Nazis,Vikings, etc. They seemed pretty unmoralistic will all that pillaging,raping, and killing. Most if not all wars have pillaging, raping, and killing. I never said that did I? He said that people with no morals is a fantasy, I gave him exmples where it has been proven to be true. Stop putting words in my post :?weezyfb
Not to...Nazis,Vikings, etc. They seemed pretty unmoralistic will all that pillaging,raping, and killing.MgamerBDOh you mean the vikings with horned helmets and crazy bloodlust? Vikings raided, just like everyone else in their time. But they also did much more trading and exploring than most European cultures in their time. You are only taking all credibility out of your post by comparing vikings to nazis.
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Not to...Nazis,Vikings, etc. They seemed pretty unmoralistic will all that pillaging,raping, and killing.RK-MaraOh you mean the vikings with horned helmets and crazy bloodlust? Vikings raided, just like everyone else in their time. But they also did much more trading and exploring than most European cultures in their time. You are only taking all credibility out of your post by comparing vikings to nazis. Like the above post said. I just wanted to prove that people with no morals is not a fantasy. Stop taking my post out of context...
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Not to...Nazis,Vikings, etc. They seemed pretty unmoralistic will all that pillaging,raping, and killing.RK-MaraOh you mean the vikings with horned helmets and crazy bloodlust? Vikings raided, just like everyone else in their time. But they also did much more trading and exploring than most European cultures in their time. You are only taking all credibility out of your post by comparing vikings to nazis.
I wouldn't take issue with comparing a lot of medieval European warfare to Nazism.
I'll mind my own business and take care of my loved ones, I dont have much love for my countrySo OT, your country is under attack. Much like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. You see enemies fall from the sky, bullets fly back and forth, Neighbors and families being shot at and killed. You watch as everything you knew, love, and hate about your country crumble before you. You are now at the point in your life when you have to decide. Will I fight or will I run away?
Me? I stay and fight. I will pick up arms and destroy the enemy. I will protect what I love about my country. I will try to save my family and friends with all my might until either the enemy leaves this country or I leave this world.
So OT...What will you do?
It seems to me in the thread that Australians have more fighting spirit then Americans. What is going on America? We don't have the second amendment for nothingMgamerBDbleh...about time america started to forget about patriotism
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]Well that sounds easy. But this is full war on your country. The enemies have no morals and are on a strict "kill whatever moves" mentality. So when is it there a necessary reason to retaliate?I keep my head down, mind my own business, and retaliate only when necessary.
I ain't no hero...I am Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs.
whenI am threatened.
Its pretty logical, really: I lack training in military tactics, and while I was a pretty good shot at the range, I've only been a handful of times and have never fired a fully automatic weapon before.
So, if I were attacked while I was on my way to some remote town or cabin, then I would try to escape. If I could not escape, I would fight, and problably die, but hey...I would have no choice.
I feel it'd be pretty easy to avoid confrontation in a country as large and spread out as the US. In modern times, no one really invades simply to oppress people, that is a byproduct. People invade because they want something, such as oil, political goals, etc.. It sounds stupid, but if you leave them alone and avoid them, chances are theyre not going to bother with you.
Anyone who doesn't fight is a cowardimaps3fanboy
anyone that does fight is an idiot (excluding trained soldiers, etc)
see what I did there? Its called a generalization.
[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]Anyone who doesn't fight is a cowardmrbojangles25
anyone that does fight is an idiot (excluding trained soldiers, etc)
see what I did there? Its called a generalization.
Personal sacrifice for your country is idiotic? OK there...[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]Anyone who doesn't fight is a cowardimaps3fanboy
anyone that does fight is an idiot (excluding trained soldiers, etc)
see what I did there? Its called a generalization.
Personal sacrifice for your country is idiotic? OK there... Blind patriotism sure as hell is. Not everyone is proud of their nation or capable of fighting.[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]Anyone who doesn't fight is a cowardimaps3fanboy
anyone that does fight is an idiot (excluding trained soldiers, etc)
see what I did there? Its called a generalization.
Personal sacrifice for your country is idiotic? OK there...I would fight for my family and immediate friends. If everyone did that, then the sum of those individual acts would benefit the country as a whole in the end. Why would I fight for a country when I A.) dont have faith in our political system, and B.) dont know most of the people?
Fighting for something as vague and large as a "country" is just overly idealistic.
And its like Patton said...nobody won a war by dying for it. They won the war by making the other guy die for his. Personal sacrifice, if it does not achieve martydom, is stupid and pointless in all but very rare occasions.
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]Anyone who doesn't fight is a cowardimaps3fanboy
anyone that does fight is an idiot (excluding trained soldiers, etc)
see what I did there? Its called a generalization.
Personal sacrifice for your country is idiotic? OK there...Sacrifice for your country is utterly idiot. It is the epitome of being an idiot
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]Anyone who doesn't fight is a cowardimaps3fanboy
anyone that does fight is an idiot (excluding trained soldiers, etc)
see what I did there? Its called a generalization.
Personal sacrifice for your country is idiotic? OK there...In this case it is. If a man has none of the necessary physical and mental conditioning or combat skills to even stand in the way of an invading army, and he decides to throw himself at hundreds of armed and armoured soldiers just so he can get off on the idea that he's gonna get slaughtered like cattle for a flag instead of some other dumb reason, then I'd consider him a failure of the evolutionary process. Of all the ways to help your nation resist an attacking force, "get pumped full of lead in the first three seconds while maniacally screaming patriotic buzzwords" doesn't sound like a very productive method.
[QUOTE="Urworstnhtmare"][QUOTE="Inconsistancy"] But... that's like moving from a warzone, into a drug cartel controlled nation with a ton of murder... I'd go to Canada or somewhere else that's civil.Inconsistancy
Im not exactly an expert, but isn't most of the drug cartel warzone near the US border? If you were to go south far enough would you be fine?
I dunno, maybe.. but it's still a craphole that people are trying to leave all the time.Lots of yanks and canadians actually live there, you could live a perfectly normal life. Not everywhere is dangerous...seriously,,
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Well that sounds easy.DraugenCP
No easier than bragging about how brave you would be in a non-existent war on an online message board.
Its called a hypothetical question my friend. No one is bragging just making disussion. If you have a problem with it the off topic link to other threads is right above you. Thank you :)Sign up for the armed forces. I may not value my country, but I value the people within it, and would feel proud to defend them. Though, I may do better as a guerrilla than a grunt.
Sign up for the armed forces. I may not value my country, but I value the people within it, and would feel proud to defend them. Though, I may do better as a guerrilla than a grunt.
yeah on second thought that sounds kind of good. There is a certain romanticism to being a guerrilla, much like the French Maquisards during WWII...roughing it out and fighting the enemy. Provided you had good leadership, I think it'd be a good deal. I'd problably end up being the cook or something, and would pick up the rifle when needed :P
But yeah, joining the military sounds like a good option as well.
Sign up for the armed forces. I may not value my country, but I value the people within it, and would feel proud to defend them. Though, I may do better as a guerrilla than a grunt.
yeah on second thought that sounds kind of good. There is a certain romanticism to being a guerrilla, much like the French Maquisards during WWII...roughing it out and fighting the enemy. Provided you had good leadership, I think it'd be a good deal. I'd problably end up being the cook or something, and would pick up the rifle when needed :P
But yeah, joining the military sounds like a good option as well.
I can't believe no one thought of this when I said fight. Did people think I mean with fists? This is America we can do guerilla warfare or join the armed forces...Please Log In to post.
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