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Like everyone else said its due to your courses and it will probably get harder (even though I can't tell because right now I'm in Grade 10 through the international bacculeaurate program :\ )
Like your introductory to Comp Sci is java right, and im pretty sure its not object oriented java is it?
Cause if it isn't object oriented I'm pretty sure even I can get a 90%+ on that [I took IB computer science last semester but I didn't really study, just listened to the teacher]
I heard that going into the sciences are going to be tough but the weird thing with my IB school is that I can only choose one of IB Physics or IB Bio and I have no idea which one to go into :S
it will get harder as you progress for sure but teachers like to scare you about future education for some reason and I don't really get why because these are the same people who should want you to continue your education. Teachers don't give those kind of assignments because they are not practical because they would have to grade them.When I was in highschool, all I would hear about was how hard college is, how teachers won't take crap anymore, how you write 50 page papers every week etc..
Now I'm not a smarty pants or anything, I simply just do what's required -- so here's the breakdown of my spring semester of college:
16 credit hours (5 coursess):
Introductory course to Java programming
Speech communications
Intermediate Japanese
PreCalc (trig)
Asian History (1600s+)
Average of 2 hours a week of homework/studying
= Straight 'B'sSure there was a few nights where I had to write a paper in a night, or cram for a test -- but that is the honest average.
Will it get harder as I progress to harder ****s and my major? Definately. Is it unbearable? Please...:roll:
Now that I know my limits and requirements, I'll be sure to get straight 'A's next year.
I never understood why I so many people make such a big deal about all the "work" they put into their education. It's essentially doing whatever mundane BS the teacher deems necessary.
right,because i was clearly stating how awesome i was by starting with "im no smarty pants, i just do what's required" ...... If i put in an extra hour i would have gotten As, sure thing. As a lazy student, i just thought it was funny how easy the jump into college was. will it get harder? yes, like i also clearly stated..You are taking those courses and can only manage straight B's? I wouldn't be bragging.
[QUOTE="DazedDarkness"]At the end of middle school, they tell you high school will be no joke, only failed about 2 classesMcJugga
Am I the only one that sees something wrong here?
LMFAOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]Have fun when you get into the 300/400 level classes.HoldThePhoneyeah, it may actually start taking time out of my daily life =/ next semester's schedule: Calculus (210) Japanese (311) Micro economics (260) C++ programming (240) English (104) let me give you some amazing advice. Start padding your resume NOW. If you have free time, join the school newspaper, television, intermural sports, etc. Write some academic stuff to get published.
I'm gonna be taking calc in my senior year.. so haha0Tyler0i took calc my senior year as well, it doesn't mean anything unless you remember everything you learned for the placement tests -- have fun.
Well, it also depends on what college/university you're attending. I could go to our local university and pass with flying colors. Or, I could go to MIT (which I would never be able to get into in the first place) and have my ass kicked.
[QUOTE="HoldThePhone"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]Have fun when you get into the 300/400 level classes.Vandalvideoyeah, it may actually start taking time out of my daily life =/ next semester's schedule: Calculus (210) Japanese (311) Micro economics (260) C++ programming (240) English (104) let me give you some amazing advice. Start padding your resume NOW. If you have free time, join the school newspaper, television, intermural sports, etc. Write some academic stuff to get published. aye, i've always hated that part, but i've been looking at a few that i plan to dive into my sophomore year. thanks tho
[QUOTE="McJugga"]right,because i was clearly stating how awesome i was by starting with "im no smarty pants, i just do what's required" ...... If i put in an extra hour i would have gotten As, sure thing. As a lazy student, i just thought it was funny how easy the jump into college was. will it get harder? yes, like i also clearly stated..You are taking those courses and can only manage straight B's? I wouldn't be bragging.
Then why make this thread. "I took the easiest courses in college and got B's!!!"
[QUOTE="markop2003"]*looks at responses of BS subjects* *looks back at subjects* Trig is classed as a college subject, over here that's tenth grade material, i was well into calculus when i finished HS. Oh and 'speech communications' that sounds just like BizCom which is another BS subject.limpbizkit818While most kids take at least Pre-Calc in highschool, you don't have to take any Calculus until college if you may so choose. I'm a junior right now taking College Algebra/Trigonometry, and next year I'll be in AP Calculus, which is the highest math you can end up in at my school.
right,because i was clearly stating how awesome i was by starting with "im no smarty pants, i just do what's required" ...... If i put in an extra hour i would have gotten As, sure thing. As a lazy student, i just thought it was funny how easy the jump into college was. will it get harder? yes, like i also clearly stated..[QUOTE="HoldThePhone"][QUOTE="McJugga"]
You are taking those courses and can only manage straight B's? I wouldn't be bragging.
Then why make this thread. "I took the easiest courses in college and got B's!!!"
because many posters on here aren't in college yet, so i though a topic about the over exaggerated obstacle of college would be appropriate.I'm still only a senior in high school, but I'd imagine that the difficulty at the college level varies greatly from major to major. t3hrubikscubeYes, it really does vary. It also depends on what kind of college it is and how strong their program is.
[QUOTE="McJugga"][QUOTE="HoldThePhone"] right,because i was clearly stating how awesome i was by starting with "im no smarty pants, i just do what's required" ...... If i put in an extra hour i would have gotten As, sure thing. As a lazy student, i just thought it was funny how easy the jump into college was. will it get harder? yes, like i also clearly stated..HoldThePhone
Then why make this thread. "I took the easiest courses in college and got B's!!!"
because many posters on here aren't in college yet, so i though a topic about the over exaggerated obstacle of college would be appropriate.It is only an over-exaggerated obstacle to you since you took easy courses. It is not the same for someone who doesn't.
[QUOTE="WestSideAzn"]I'm assuming that it's either GED requirements, or you dove straight into computer science. I'm doing Nursing. Try that. Then tell me if college is easy. HoldThePhoneyup, ive never progammed in my life.
Then you are way behind. I don't know a single CS major that didn't have at least basic coding skills (no pun intended)
yup, ive never progammed in my life.[QUOTE="HoldThePhone"][QUOTE="WestSideAzn"]I'm assuming that it's either GED requirements, or you dove straight into computer science. I'm doing Nursing. Try that. Then tell me if college is easy. Guybrush_3
Then you are way behind. I don't know a single CS major that didn't have at least basic coding skills (no pun intended)
i'm aware. i took elementary java (210), to see if i liked the field. I found it to be interesting so i'll continue with it. while im sure previous experience helps, i don't think i'll at a significant disadvantage -- especially when i get to the higher end courses.[QUOTE="Guybrush_3"][QUOTE="HoldThePhone"] yup, ive never progammed in my life.HoldThePhone
Then you are way behind. I don't know a single CS major that didn't have at least basic coding skills (no pun intended)
i'm aware. i took elementary java (210), to see if i liked the field. I found it to be interesting so i'll continue with it. while im sure previous experience helps, i don't think i'll at a significant disadvantage -- especially when i get to the higher end courses.Don't listen to him. You should be fine. I'm guessing you're young and you said you found it interesting (I'm guessing you enjoy it to an extent) so you should be just fine..
I'm a junior in High School and I get straight As. Those classes seem rediculously easy. Stop bragging, you don't apply yourself. You obviously don't value education as much as other people. Get over yourself.cpo335I dont consider Java easy. Well at least for me it wqsnt. Long "accurate" programs take forever.
I wonder how hard would a music major be.Lonelynight
It really depends on the school. At most schools it is a joke if you know your instrument and basic piano. Not so much in a school with a really specialized program. (That is what my friend who went from school with mediocre music to a school with a specialized program says)
[QUOTE="t3hrubikscube"]I'm still only a senior in high school, but I'd imagine that the difficulty at the college level varies greatly from major to major. WestSideAznYes, it really does vary. It also depends on what kind of college it is and how strong their program is.
It's amazing how different majors can be. My engineering friends and I are always jealous of how much free time other majors have. We spend so much time, struggle, and get our asses kicked by our core courses while some business majors we know have a bunch of free time and are near 4.0's lol.
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