So I'm being nice and offering a neighbor a ride about an hour ago since her car is in the shop. We get in, I buckle up, and wait for her to.
She doesn't.
So I tell her, "You'll need to buckle up."
She then goes on a rant about how her uncle was in a car wreck and 'they' said he would have died if he had been wearing his seatbelt, this that and the other thing.
So once she finishes, I'm like "you'll need to buckle up."
So then she huffs and puffs and buckles up, but then takes off the shoulder strap and puts it behind her.
"Properly," I said, at which point I get another long rant about personal freedom and decisions.
I still haven't started the car, so we just sit there in silence for a minute before she finally huffs "fine" and does herself up properly. Then off we go.
Seriously, everyone I know who doesn't wear seatbelts has the same story about an uncle or a cousin (never someone I have met) who 'they' said would have died had they been wearing a seatbelt. It's old, tired and stupid.
Most of the road fatalities I read about usually mentions "seatbelts were not in use". Is it so damn hard to understand basic laws of physics?
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