With student loan debt rising and the threat of new education models looming, Purdue University wants to offer a very different way for students to pay for school: private investors will fund their education, and get paid back as a portion of the students’ future income. It’s called an Income Share Agreement (ISA)—if students earn more than expected after university, they pay back more; if they earn less, they pay less.
Proponents of ISAs (paywall) believe they are the future of education financing—although they have a long theoretical history. Economist Milton Friedman laid out the basics in a 1954 book. ISA boosters argue that the current system of student loans can be unnecessarily burdensome, and contributes to the ever-rising cost of an education. ISAs, they argue, have the potential to be fairer for students, and reduce the price of education over time. Ultimately, ISAs could enable students to take bigger career risks.
Ayn Rand would approve....
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