[QUOTE="Hoobinator"][QUOTE="bsman00"]anti-christian.... so what?xaos
I don't want this subject to blow up into any big proportions, but would Al Franken like it if there were virulent anti-Jewish remarks being made by senators? Would society at large stand for it?
All you need is a little respect and courtesy, it doesn't cost a penny but buys everything. And this is doubly true for those entrusted with power especially at the national level who need to look out for all their citiens within their jurisdiction.
Was it anti-Christian? He expressed disdain for an individual who is a prominent Christian, but ddn't say "Aren't Christians ********s?" or "Isn't O'Connor an ******* because he's a Christian?"I wasn't so much attacking Al Franken directly, like I stated in my first post I don't really know the man. The initial retort of "would Al Franken like it if there were virulent anti-Jewish remark" was more directed as a rhetorical question against bsman00's initial statement of being anti-Christian as irrelevant. Which I wanted to show that it is not acceptable, even if society has become ambivalent towards it.
And I was also reading at the bottom of the article:
"A Monday press release from the Catholic League accused Franken of "virulent anti-Catholicism," citing his mockery of the Eucharist, his ridicule of the Crucifixion, and his belittlement of practicing Catholics such as the Knights of Columbus.
The Catholic League also charged that Franken has "slandered" all priests as child molesters."
Yes the source is somewhat biased, and these are allegations, but I wasn't stating that Al Franken is neccessarily anti-Christian but just that a certain level of respect and courtesy needs to be given, especially for one who is running for a position of power. My first two posts in this thread were about that, an absract response to society at large.
I don't know much about the person himself, but from his remarks, they're neither good or in good taste.
There's just very little decency and respect nowadays. Societies can't function without it.
Too many times these days you see people who say things which they later regret in politics. If people paid a little more attention and courtesy towards others we wouldn't be having half the problems with politicians mouthing off as we have. And yes we do need to hold these people to higher standards, they have greater powers which needs to be kept in check.
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