(((NOTE: I have permission to post this from MCS rather than as a blog post because I wanted to generate a discussion.)))
Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer and others want the Media Shield Law worded in such a way as to say bloggers arent journalists and therefore arent entitled to the same protections under the First Amendments freedom of the press.
What does that mean?
As Feinstein said, much like doctor-patient privilege, a journalist won't be forced under the Shield Law to reveal a source. However, the wording she has in mind gives no such protection to a blogger. What happened to Fox News reporter James Rosen could happen to anyone if I were to leak government secrets.
The First Amendment gives all citizens the right to say whatever they want unless its treasonous or it incites unlawful activity.
In fact, the only reason the any government would even consider Shield Laws is to try to prevent sedition. The fact is that no government wants its members to tell the press how corrupt its being.
Furthermore, most politicians, like Feinstein or Schumer, no they cant really punish a major news organization for leaking classified government documents to the public. For that matter, the best they can usually do is try to get a story killed or rewritten.
However, bloggers are another matter. Nowhere does information flow faster than on the Internet. Corrupt politicians know we dont usually have a lot of money or resources to fight them. They know were a lot harder to get to kill or rewrite a story. They would rather not deal with us entirely. Thats why they want to define who is and who isnt covered by the First Amendment.
Feinstein seems to think you need proper credentials in order to be a journalist.
Furthermore, according to Feinstein, youre not a real journalist unless you get a salary.
Based upon the protections guaranteed to us by the Freedom of Press and the First Amendment, the Senate has no right to enact the Unconstitutional Shield Law. It is illegal and will not be tolerated.
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