I have $1400 in savings(only worked 4 months so far) and make around $1000 a month after taxes with my part time job. I've found a few decent cars that are around 2500-3500. I am planning on waiting until I have 2500 in the bank and putting $1000 down and financing $1500-$2500 for 3 years. The main expense if the car is in good working condition would be insurance which would be $250-$350 a month. I'm hoping that my financing wont be over $70 a month, but I'm willing and capable of doing $100 a month. My dad is telling me to wait, but I don't see a reason why. If I can afford it I think I should go for it.
Now heres my other situation. I live in NYC which makes having a car pointless considering you can get anywhere you want by public transportation, BUT I hate paying 104 a month on an unlimited card and beign stuck to the MTA's terrible scheduling and terrible routes and insane amount of stops. For example it takes me 30 min to an hour to get to work when I live 10 minutes away (by car) and when I get out of work I usually need to wait about 30 min to an hour for a bus so that 30 min trip is now an hour - hour and a half on bad days. I think it's not neccesary, but would make my life a million times easier(hopefully). Opinions?
BTW I plan on buying one by mid February-March.
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