the degree means you are more diciplined. You're more educated, you know how the world works. I didn't say I deserve more money than everyone else. I just believe the drop out and the graduate shouldn't get paid the SAME. You forget 75% of what you learned anyway after 6 months of graduating.
how are you more disciplined? How does a sheltered college kid who has his parents pay for everything know more about the world than a HS dropout who has been through the ringer? Having an unrleated degree that does nothing for the job does not mean you should be paid more. What does your degree give you that someone without it would not understand? What insight did you recieve about driving a van?
I communicate better, have a better temper, I can calculate and use math better, and more knowledgable. It's like saying who's most likely to smoke? a graduate or drop out? yes the graduate might smoke but a majority of degree holders don't smoke according to surveys.
Ok then i just read this. Your 1st post was bordering on being a bit much with the i have everything easy attitude OP but this..... Honestly if you think your so superior then you have a wake up call coming.
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