So I recently had a sort of set back at work. About three years ago I proposed a plan that would massively decrease the workload for employees throughout the company, and I got told that if we were to implement such a plan company wide we would need to see evidence of it working in practice. I received permission to implement it on my team only to see if my plan would be effective. We did so, and workloads went down by 20% for most and even 30% for some people thanks to new efficiencies.
Results in hand tried once again to get the company to adopt this plan, and was categorically denied, and in fact it wasnt even publicly brought up. Last year the company came under new leadership, and the lead man proposed my plan which was largely applauded, and is in the process of being adopted. Only thing is most of the credit is going to him as opposed to me despite the fact that he has acknowledged it was my plan to begin with multiple times.
Now on one hand I very much want my plan to go into place because it will be good for most people in the company. On the other hand I really want most of the credit, and I feel like Im not getting nearly enough for my efforts. Im considering an attempt to bring the whole thing down due to lack of credit.
What would you guys do in my situation?
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