Dude, you should not let your girlfriend go to a movie with another guy. They are both disrespecting what is presumably a commited relationship. It's just inappropriate. Maybe you guys have different ideas about what your relationship is and you should discuss that. You sound like a good guy, who doesn't want to be an overbearing partner, but if it's eating you up that she wants to do this, well you deserve better than that.
Look, there's a difference between being a controlling jerk and sticking up for yourself. Nobody wants to be with someone who 'keeps tabs' or controls their friends and stuff, but both parties have to uphold the bargain. If your girl is going on what amounts to a date situation with another man, you need to say something. Show some respect for yourself or she will never respect you.
Maybe she's bound to cheat, and people are right, you can't stop it if she's determined to do it. But it doesn't mean you have to facilitate it! If she really cares for you then she will see a big deal to you as a big deal to her. Otherwise, she's not doing anything to make you happy, just taking advantage of your good nature until she finds something more exciting.
Remember, you don't own her, and you should always treat her with respect, but that doesn't mean constantly rolling over for her. A relationship is a two way street. If she isn't willing to put the same commitment into it as you are, then she's obviously not right for you. If what she really wants is you, then she needs to grow up and walk her talk. If she really wants to to come and go wherever and with whomever she pleases, then she should save you the trouble of bearing all the burden of the relationship.
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