@BluRayHiDef: If you're so concerned with human rights, you should reconsider the 600 GB of pornography you have on your computer.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
@BluRayHiDef: If you're so concerned with human rights, you should reconsider the 600 GB of pornography you have on your computer.
I think my time on these boards is done. Things have gotten to a point where I can't post anything without being subjected to personal attacks. I merely asked a question and never expressed any judgments, yet several posters have already insulted me. At this point, I'm just genuinely annoyed at the community here, which was the only thing keeping me here despite the changes made to the site.
I know that some of you will rationalize your unwarranted onslaught by citing supposedly "stupid shit" I've posted in the past as examples, but just keep in mind that though some of what I've posted in the past may have been in disagreement with how you felt/ feel, I've never personally attacked anyone and certainly not as harshly as some of you have done to me.
Anyhow, after scrambling my password, I will be changing the email address associated with this account to a new one with a password I won't bother remembering.
Don't go Blu, you are a valuable member of the OT family.
No ... because he got 3 nipple ..... (a person with extra limbs, nipple, cyclops are considered god)
@MrGeezer: "That's life, dude. It's impossible to be "fair" to everyone. If I find out that my favorite restaurants is hiring convicted child molesters, I'm never taking my family there again. Is that "fair" for the rest of the staff? No, but tough shit."
yeah I hear ya, but that scenario is a whole lot different to, boycott a film because one of the actors in it was a little tear away when he was a teenager.
There is proof he did these things?
EDIT: The more you know.
Commenting in 2006 on his past crimes, Wahlberg has stated: "I did a lot of things that I regret, and I have certainly paid for my mistakes."
According to Wahlberg, "As soon as I began that life of crime, there was always a voice in my head telling me I was going to end up in jail. Three of my brothers had done time. My sister went to prison so many times I lost count. Finally I was there, locked up with the kind of guys I'd always wanted to be like. Now I'd earned my stripes and I was just like them, and I realized it wasn't what I wanted at all. I'd ended up in the worst place I could possibly imagine and I never wanted to go back."
"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and I've done bad things, but I never blamed my upbringing for that. I never behaved like a victim so that I would have a convenient reason for victimizing others. Everything I did wrong was my own fault. I was taught the difference between right and wrong at an early age. I take full responsibility."
Sounds like a man who has tried to make up for the mistakes he made as a teenager.
I think my time on these boards is done. Things have gotten to a point where I can't post anything without being subjected to personal attacks. I merely asked a question and never expressed any judgments, yet several posters have already insulted me. At this point, I'm just genuinely annoyed at the community here, which was the only thing keeping me here despite the changes made to the site.
I know that some of you will rationalize your unwarranted onslaught by citing supposedly "stupid shit" I've posted in the past as examples, but just keep in mind that though some of what I've posted in the past may have been in disagreement with how you felt/ feel, I've never personally attacked anyone and certainly not as harshly as some of you have done to me.
Anyhow, after scrambling my password, I will be changing the email address associated with this account to a new one with a password I won't bother remembering.
Don't go Blu, you are a valuable member of the OT family.
I guess BRHD left us :(
I think my time on these boards is done. Things have gotten to a point where I can't post anything without being subjected to personal attacks. I merely asked a question and never expressed any judgments, yet several posters have already insulted me. At this point, I'm just genuinely annoyed at the community here, which was the only thing keeping me here despite the changes made to the site.
I know that some of you will rationalize your unwarranted onslaught by citing supposedly "stupid shit" I've posted in the past as examples, but just keep in mind that though some of what I've posted in the past may have been in disagreement with how you felt/ feel, I've never personally attacked anyone and certainly not as harshly as some of you have done to me.
Anyhow, after scrambling my password, I will be changing the email address associated with this account to a new one with a password I won't bother remembering.
Don't go Blu, you are a valuable member of the OT family.
Yeah, man, don't go. I'm an ethnocentric bigot with homophobia who claims to be an expert on every opinion I defend....and you don't see me leaving. lol
@BluRayHiDef: And I'm sure that when your by yourself in your spare time you don't do things that are immoral? Something that I see in America is the lack of forgiveness.
@BluRayHiDef: And I'm sure that when your by yourself in your spare time you don't do things that are immoral? Something that I see in America is the lack of forgiveness.
If you think doing something that hurts no one but yourself is equivalent to beating multiple people, you're kind of an idiot.
Have you been perfect BRHD? I've read your threads dude.....
I merely asked the question; I've expressed no judgments. Also, I've never harmed Human beings (without justification).
however you have tortured animals...
BRHD tortured animals?..... his threads should be boycotted.
He paid his debt to society. I'm not a fan of Wahlberg's, but I'm not going to condemn him for life for the mistakes he made as a stupid youth.
I did shit when I was a kid that, through a little bit of bad luck, could have resulted in similar injuries to someone else. I got into quite a few fights when I was a teen. A quarter of an inch here or there and a punch could have easily blinded someone else. I haven't been in an altercation since I was 19, so should I, 16 years later, still be judged for my actions when I was a teen? I broke a kid's maxilla when I was 17 and felt really rotten for it afterward. Things like that shape the person you become in life and you either come out a better person or a shittier person.
He paid his debt to society. I'm not a fan of Wahlberg's, but I'm not going to condemn him for life for the mistakes he made as a stupid youth.
I did shit when I was a kid that, through a little bit of bad luck, could have resulted in similar injuries to someone else. I got into quite a few fights when I was a teen. A quarter of an inch here or there and a punch could have easily blinded someone else. I haven't been in an altercation since I was 19, so should I, 16 years later, still be judged for my actions when I was a teen? I broke a kid's maxilla when I was 17 and felt really rotten for it afterward. Things like that shape the person you become in life and you either come out a better person or a shittier person.
he attacked these people for simply existing and being a different skin color.. thats not a mistake u do in your "youth", take a hike, i suggest u not challenge me
I don't care what Mark Wahlberg did as a teenager. Condemning someone for long-past actions is petty, really.
Movies should be boycotted for being bad movies and not boycotted for what one actor did in his teenage years, so should all the actors in Marks' films be punished for what Mark did as a teenager?
That's life, dude. It's impossible to be "fair" to everyone. If I find out that my favorite restaurants is hiring convicted child molesters, I'm never taking my family there again. Is that "fair" for the rest of the staff? No, but tough shit.
You leave your family alone with random restaurant employees? That's bad parenting dude, I'd be less concerned about who the restaurants are hiring and more concerned about keeping a check on your children.
This guy was 21 years old when he was still assaulting people!!!! Not a teenager!
Marky Mark is not sorry for what he did. He didn't even make amends to the man he blinded for the MULTIPLE HATE CRIMES he committed. He threw rocks at Blacks and while calling racial slurs. He assaulted 2 vietnamese older men while calling them racial slurs. He beat one older Vietnamese man almost to death and BLINDED HIM in one eye.
This monster blinded someone in one eye. Think about that. He is PERMANENTLY BLIND for the rest of his life. Did not even take care of the medical bill while he's lounging in his mansion.
He isn't remorseful at all. Look at his interview on 60 minutes. No remorse what so ever. He served 45 days for attempted murder. 45 DAYS! for a HATE CRIME! Imagine if he was someone else, he would have gotten atleast 20 years!!!!! This guy is truly a scumbag, and while he thinks since he's donated to charity, he can amend for what he's done? He needs to find this man and make amends with him. If you look at his interview, this guy is truly not remorseful. His dad was one of the biggest racists in Boston, owned one of the most racist restaurants there. He doesn't blame his family, but they are pretty much the root cause.
He attacked a old minority while calling him racial slurs and beat him so badly he blinded him in one eye and rendered him unconscious. He was charged with attempted murder (HATE CRIME) and only did 45 days. Hate crimes today carry a sentence of life imprisonment. This should NOT have been tolerated in our society and sends the wrong message to people that look up to him.
Wahlberg has stated : "I did a lot of things that I regretted and I have certainly paid for my mistakes." He said the right thing to do would be to try to find the blinded man and make amends, and admitted he hasn't done so, but added that he was no longer burdened by guilt : "You have to go and ask for forgiveness and it wasn't until I really started doing good and doing right, by other people as well as myself, that I really started to feel that guilt go away. So I don't have a problem going to sleep at night. I feel good when I wake up in the morning." [12]
Mark thinks hes paid for his crimes by serving 45 days in jail. There are people in there with 1 gram of crack cocaine that have 20 year sentences.
This guy almost killed 3 people (recorded) 2 of them hate crimes (unprovoked racially motivated assaults), and God knows who else he wasn't caught for. He assaulted blacks and asians for simply being black and asian. He may have learned some of his ways, but no way should this guy be allowed to be on screen and be a role model for our children. It sends the wrong message.
If he truly went out and made amends to the people he permanently hurt, it would be a different story, but Marky Mark said he hasn't done so, nor will he, because he feels that by donating some money to charity and serving 45 days, he's paid his debt.
I honestly think that if that man wasn't Vietnamese, but some other race, people would be up in arms.
^^Well, it looks like BRHD is back under a different alias - 'Rochesterx'.
Is it the 3rd of June where BluRay lives? If that account was made the same day that BluRay quit i'd be suspicious. Its the 4th of June for me.
It is the third in the US.....
^^Well, it looks like BRHD is back under a different alias - 'Rochesterx'.
Is it the 3rd of June where BluRay lives? If that account was made the same day that BluRay quit i'd be suspicious. Its the 4th of June for me.
pretty sure he's in the US, and yes it is June 3rd right now
Despite how well known Mark Whalberg is, the criminal antics of his troubled teenage years don't seem to be known at all. When he was fifteen, he threw rocks at Black children while calling them the N-Word - on two separate occasions! When he was sixteen, he attacked a middle-aged Vietnamese man with a wooden stick, knocking him unconscious - all the while yelling out racial epithets. However, these aren't the worst of his crimes; the same day he attacked the Vietnamese man, he attacked another Vietnamese man and beat him so badly that the man permanently lost sight in one of his eyes! He was sentenced to two years, but served only forty five days.
So, I beg the question: Should Whalberg's films be boycotted?
Your never ending agenda with this race shit should be boycotted.
Despite how well known Mark Whalberg is, the criminal antics of his troubled teenage years don't seem to be known at all. When he was fifteen, he threw rocks at Black children while calling them the N-Word - on two separate occasions! When he was sixteen, he attacked a middle-aged Vietnamese man with a wooden stick, knocking him unconscious - all the while yelling out racial epithets. However, these aren't the worst of his crimes; the same day he attacked the Vietnamese man, he attacked another Vietnamese man and beat him so badly that the man permanently lost sight in one of his eyes! He was sentenced to two years, but served only forty five days.
So, I beg the question: Should Whalberg's films be boycotted?
Your never ending agenda with this race shit should be boycotted.
Uh oh, looks like they let someone out of the loony bin
"This guy was 21 years old when he was still assaulting people!!!! Not a teenager!"
Any proof of this BRHD lol
Apparently he did assault someone at age 21, according to wikipedia.
He paid his debt to society. I'm not a fan of Wahlberg's, but I'm not going to condemn him for life for the mistakes he made as a stupid youth.
I did shit when I was a kid that, through a little bit of bad luck, could have resulted in similar injuries to someone else. I got into quite a few fights when I was a teen. A quarter of an inch here or there and a punch could have easily blinded someone else. I haven't been in an altercation since I was 19, so should I, 16 years later, still be judged for my actions when I was a teen? I broke a kid's maxilla when I was 17 and felt really rotten for it afterward. Things like that shape the person you become in life and you either come out a better person or a shittier person.
he attacked these people for simply existing and being a different skin color.. thats not a mistake u do in your "youth", take a hike, i suggest u not challenge me
you weren't there and since the americas are so well known for their justice and wits
I don't care, i love mark wahlberg, great actor, great person
you on the other hand, are too low on the food chain to have an opinion
@MrGeezer: "That's life, dude. It's impossible to be "fair" to everyone. If I find out that my favorite restaurants is hiring convicted child molesters, I'm never taking my family there again. Is that "fair" for the rest of the staff? No, but tough shit."
yeah I hear ya, but that scenario is a whole lot different to, boycott a film because one of the actors in it was a little tear away when he was a teenager.
Well then, let's pick another example. Someone doesn't like a company's policies, so they boycott Microsoft or Chik-Fil-A. Is that "fair" to the many employees working at such large companies, even though those employees have zero control over company policy and are just decent folks doing honest work to support their families? A boycott MIGHT result in enough lost revenue for the company to replace the executives who made the bad decisions, but it's also entirely possible that the loss of revenue is dealt with by by firing good old Ma and Pa who had jack shit to do with setting policy in the first place.
I don't care what Mark Wahlberg did as a teenager. Condemning someone for long-past actions is petty, really.
Movies should be boycotted for being bad movies and not boycotted for what one actor did in his teenage years, so should all the actors in Marks' films be punished for what Mark did as a teenager?
That's life, dude. It's impossible to be "fair" to everyone. If I find out that my favorite restaurants is hiring convicted child molesters, I'm never taking my family there again. Is that "fair" for the rest of the staff? No, but tough shit.
You leave your family alone with random restaurant employees? That's bad parenting dude, I'd be less concerned about who the restaurants are hiring and more concerned about keeping a check on your children.
You have unprotected sex with random drug-addicted prostitutes? Jesus Christ, dude, you need to stop doing that.
@MrGeezer: even that scenario is different. A more similar scenario to the thread topic would be, boycotting a company for bad policies they had years and years ago even though the company has already suffered for those bad policies through loss of sales and executives being sacked.
They now have learnt there lesson and have much better policies, it wouldn't really be fair to keep judging the company on past bad policies.
@MrGeezer: even that scenario is different. A more similar scenario to the thread topic would be, boycotting a company for bad policies they had years and years ago even though the company has already suffered for those bad policies through loss of sales and executives being sacked.
They now have learnt there lesson and have much better policies, it wouldn't really be fair to keep judging the company on past bad policies.
No, that's what you said...boycotting a COMPANY when the responsible PEOPLE are no longer there. The question wasn't about boycotting the COMPANY that hires Mark Wahlberg, the question was about boycotting Mark Wahlberg. The "executives being sacked" part ruins the analogy because Mark Wahlberg is still getting work in high-profile movies.
Since we're bringing business into it, how about this?
Some dude kills your dad and rapes your child and shoots off your foot, then he goes away to prison for like, 30 years. He serves his time, he gets out and opens a business, and hires a bunch of honest non-criminal employees. Does the fact that he served his debt to society mean that you're gonna be fine shopping there? In any case, that's still not "fair" to the employees there who have never hurt you in any way whatsoever.
He paid his debt to society. I'm not a fan of Wahlberg's, but I'm not going to condemn him for life for the mistakes he made as a stupid youth.
I did shit when I was a kid that, through a little bit of bad luck, could have resulted in similar injuries to someone else. I got into quite a few fights when I was a teen. A quarter of an inch here or there and a punch could have easily blinded someone else. I haven't been in an altercation since I was 19, so should I, 16 years later, still be judged for my actions when I was a teen? I broke a kid's maxilla when I was 17 and felt really rotten for it afterward. Things like that shape the person you become in life and you either come out a better person or a shittier person.
he attacked these people for simply existing and being a different skin color.. thats not a mistake u do in your "youth", take a hike, i suggest u not challenge me
I don't know man, take a look at ex gang members. Most of them join a gang in their teens or younger and attack people just for the sake of making the gang look violent. Some attack rival gang members and some attack mutuals (non gang members/innocent civilians). Some get the chance to leave and change their lives after harming people for money or whatever reason they did what they did for. Some actually change and don't ever touch that lifestyle again. Mark Wahlberg was probably not in a gang but, he did leave that life behind and start over. Also, just to make things a little more relevant, gangsters are extremely racist.
On Wikipedia: "He told his street gang that he was leaving them and had "some serious fights" with them over it. The actor commented in 2009: "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and I've done bad things, but I never blamed my upbringing for that. I never behaved like a victim so that I would have a convenient reason for victimizing others. Everything I did wrong was my own fault. I was taught the difference between right and wrong at an early age. I take full responsibility."
Well there you go. The kid is an ex gang member.
@MrGeezer: no my analogy still stands, in my analogy the company "replaces" Mark as the SUBJECT matter, the past bad policies of the company are "in place" of Marks' past bad behavior, so the COMPANY sees the error of its ways and strives to do better, as MARK saw the error of his ways and strives to do better.
My analogy is more similar to the thread subject than your previous analogies (not that it's a competition but still) in all of your previous analogies the bad practices that may cause people to boycott are happening in the present tense where as marks bad behavior happened many years ago.
Of course if a person/company is at present behaving badly or having bad policies then this should be protested against, a person/company should not be boycotted for a bad past depending on how bad that past was.
"Some dude kills your dad and rapes your child and shoots off your foot, then he goes away to prison for like, 30 years. He serves his time, he gets out and opens a business, and hires a bunch of honest non-criminal employees. Does the fact that he served his debt to society mean that you're gonna be fine shopping there? In any case, that's still not "fair" to the employees there who have never hurt you in any way whatsoever"
I'm sure if word got out what this guy had done then the employees may not want to work for this guy and would boycott his company themselves and people would not want to do business with his business.
Plus that's a pretty horrific crime it all boils down to how bad the past behavior was as to wether it should stick to a person like shit even years later.
Whalberg has done some bad things, but that was a long time ago and maybe it is time to move on. Instead we should be boycotting the films of celebrities who are doing bad things today. In November 2012 Will Ferrell made a video supporting Barrack Obama's reelection bid, using his star power to help Obama continue his collectivist agenda for another 4 years. Will Ferrell is still a vocal supporter of Obama to this day. His campaign video was full of annoying jokes which were praised by pundits for their high quality, when they were not even funny. It is absurd and his films should be boycotted.
Whalberg has done some bad things, but that was a long time ago and maybe it is time to move on. Instead we should be boycotting the films of celebrities who are doing bad things today. In November 2012 Will Ferrell made a video supporting Barrack Obama's reelection bid, using his star power to help Obama continue his collectivist agenda for another 4 years. Will Ferrell is still a vocal supporter of Obama to this day. His campaign video was full of annoying jokes which were praised by pundits for their high quality, when they were not even funny. It is absurd and his films should be boycotted.
Same could be said of a lot of supporters of BO. Jamie Foxx (claiming Barry is God), Samuel L Jackson (with his "wake the F up" commercial), etc.
He paid his debt to society. I'm not a fan of Wahlberg's, but I'm not going to condemn him for life for the mistakes he made as a stupid youth.
I did shit when I was a kid that, through a little bit of bad luck, could have resulted in similar injuries to someone else. I got into quite a few fights when I was a teen. A quarter of an inch here or there and a punch could have easily blinded someone else. I haven't been in an altercation since I was 19, so should I, 16 years later, still be judged for my actions when I was a teen? I broke a kid's maxilla when I was 17 and felt really rotten for it afterward. Things like that shape the person you become in life and you either come out a better person or a shittier person.
he attacked these people for simply existing and being a different skin color.. thats not a mistake u do in your "youth", take a hike, i suggest u not challenge me
I guess we should boycott every rapper who ever existed also. I mean, Jay-Z was a crack dealer, a far greater societal harm than what Wahlberg did, so I guess we should forever excoriate him as well.
I suggest u not challenge me...lmao. School must be out, eh kid?
Whalberg has done some bad things, but that was a long time ago and maybe it is time to move on. Instead we should be boycotting the films of celebrities who are doing bad things today. In November 2012 Will Ferrell made a video supporting Barrack Obama's reelection bid, using his star power to help Obama continue his collectivist agenda for another 4 years. Will Ferrell is still a vocal supporter of Obama to this day. His campaign video was full of annoying jokes which were praised by pundits for their high quality, when they were not even funny. It is absurd and his films should be boycotted.
I boycott Will Farrell movies because they suck...
Whalberg has done some bad things, but that was a long time ago and maybe it is time to move on. Instead we should be boycotting the films of celebrities who are doing bad things today. In November 2012 Will Ferrell made a video supporting Barrack Obama's reelection bid, using his star power to help Obama continue his collectivist agenda for another 4 years. Will Ferrell is still a vocal supporter of Obama to this day. His campaign video was full of annoying jokes which were praised by pundits for their high quality, when they were not even funny. It is absurd and his films should be boycotted.
LMAO...Obama has done far less harm than his predecessor or even conservative hero Ronald Reagan. At least Obama's administration hasn't been guilty of outright treason (Iran Contra). GTFO with this stipidity...
@Laihendi: hey bro if you dislike Obama so much it's Obama that should be boycotted not an actor that supports him, you really reckon fans of Will who are not fans of Obama are going to suddenly support Obama because Will said so, I don't think his word carries that much weight. I may be wrong
Well, these things happened like three decades ago. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's not the same dumb kid.
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