I actually wrote a blog about this, not trying to offend anyone here but I honestly think the media should jump off a cliff in this regard. :P
Burning of the Koran deal has sparked international attention, and who's to blame for this? Sure, the fifty-member Church is the focal point -- but the principle violator in this case is the media. Guess what, no one would give a rat's ass nor even know about it if the media didn't run NATIONAL HEADLINE NEWS ON IT. Sheesh, it's a 50 member church in a small town and you're trying to make this up to be a huge deal?
The only folks you're hurting is America itself. They're real life trolls, they'll feed on this hate towards them to push forward. You bet news crews and what have you will be there on September 11th, and you all are just as bad as they are. Your images will be seen by Extremists far more likely thans a small time news story, or a tiny link in a internet forum. The best way would be to ignore them, yet common sense doesn't hold true and ratings do. *sigh*
And furthermore, being offended over this is just silly. It's a damn book. Must like the draw cartoon day of the prophet. I mean, really? I don't understand why panties can get in bunch over this sort of stuff -- unless twas' a personal item of the inflamed person. Countries have called for USA to step in an stop them from burning the books. Every heard of Free Speech there guys? No? Oh yeah, that's because you're a developing Third World Country that has religious sects in your governments. My bad.
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