Our language is one of the hardest to learn in the world. The spelling is extremely difficult, there are many irregular verbs, and pronounciation can be quite difficult. Also, it's almost impossible to learn how to write the language by ear. In spanish, you usually spell the word how you pronounce it (and there ARE natural stresses on it).
If i remember correctly, the US, under president Teddy Rosevelt, actually DID simplify the language by taking out the 'u' in many words (favourite --> favorite, colour --> color). I think we should do this again. Take out the 'ugh' in many words (though --> tho), and take out the 'gh' in words (night --> nite). There would also be other changes.
Let me tell you, there is NO reason why we shouldn't do this. This isn't Old English anymore, where the 'k' in knife was actually pronounced. It has absolutely NO use. Just because you like a silent k there doesn't mean we should keep it like that. GIVE ME GOOD REASONS (e.g. it would be too hard to change a language at this point, not all places would except the changes, i'm a jerk and hate immigrants). It would also make the language easier to learn.
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