sophmore in high school
german 1
ap java
world history
college algebra
english 2 honors
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Junior in College taking:
1. Organic Chemistry
2. Plant Physiology
3. Mammalian Physiology
4. Zoology
Also doing research on microbes that live in fire ant mounds as well as being a teachers assistant for a molecular biology lab.
LOL @ the topic :P
Psychology 101
Intro to German
Intro to Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Computer Architecture and Design
Object Oriented C++
Global Issues 20/21 Century
Study Hall
S1 Honors Shakespeare
S2 Sociology
English 12 Honors
Honors Journalism 2
S1 Human Development/ Behavior
S2 HonorsExpository Writing
Phys Ed
The last two periods are going to be my cut periods. ;)
I'm going to Chicago for some higher learnin', and by "higher learnin'", I mean the Great Lakes Naval Training Facility.
I'm a sophomore(?) I think- Grade 10. We don't have fancy names here. Either way, I don't get my schedule till tomorrow afternoon :( Our first two days are half days. First day is a late start, and second is early let out. :)
I guess I have a good idea of what I'm taking anyways: Strings, Music Theory, AP Science, AP Math, English, French, Phys Ed and History. I just don't know what order they'll be in xD
Freshman in Highschool.
1st Period: Engineering 1
2nd Period: Lifetime Fitness-Fall
3rd Period: Accelerated English 9A
4th Period: Accelerated Biology A
5th Period: World History A
You have 8 classes a day? :shock:
1: Spanish 1 Honors
2: English 2 Honors
3: Geometry Honors
4: AutoOh yeah... I'm a sophomore in high school.
How long are you in school for a day?
I have 8 clases a day and im a sophmore in high school. I go from 8:00am to 3:20pm.
[QUOTE="scorch-62"]You have 8 classes a day? :shock:
1: Spanish 1 Honors
2: English 2 Honors
3: Geometry Honors
4: AutoOh yeah... I'm a sophomore in high school.
How long are you in school for a day?
I have 8 clases a day and im a sophmore in high school. I go from 8:00am to 3:20pm.
I would guess that he's on a block scheduling system. Each period probably lasts about 90 minutes and they finish the course in one semester. Then they take four different classes the next semester. I wouldn't like that because I don't think it's a good idea to have such long breaks between subsequent classes.Sophomore in college.
1. Personality Theory
2. Linear Algebra
3. Physics II
4. Statics
5. Ordinary Differential Equations
1 Extned Algebra 1 again.
2 Chemistry 10 a
3. English 10 a
4 Unfortunatly Theolgoy 10 a
5 PE
6. Spanish II
7 World history 10a
I got to a school where they force religion down your throat
[QUOTE="scorch-62"]You have 8 classes a day? :shock:
1: Spanish 1 Honors
2: English 2 Honors
3: Geometry Honors
4: AutoOh yeah... I'm a sophomore in high school.
How long are you in school for a day?
I have 8 clases a day and im a sophmore in high school. I go from 8:00am to 3:20pm.
I used to have 8 last year, but on a day 1, day 2 kind of schedule. My school goes from 8:40 - 2:30.
english 2
spanish 2
ap world history
ap lunch :) (jk...its the last lunch..starts at 1:30 or something :( )
some buisness management class
Senior in High school...
1. Anatomy and Physiology
2. racquet sports
3. Probability and statistics
4. senior release (luckily got it this block so I can pretty much leave school earlier 8))
Grade 11:
1. Something I can't remember. Probably something stupid.
2. Spanish 3
3. You and the dollar (required financial c|ass..completely worthless. I can use paypal, what more do I need?)
3.5: Lunch.
4. AP English 3: The horrible books strike back.
5. Chemistry
Next term I get trigonometry and hopefullly Computer Science if my school will actually get with the times and start it :evil: !
[QUOTE="dukebd699"]Grade 11
American Lit normal
Pre-Cal track 2(of 3)
AP US History
IB Spanish
IB Physics
wooo IB!
im in grade 11
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB/AP Economics
IB Spanish 5
IB English
IB Physics
IB World History
AP BC Calc
Yay! IB! I go to a full High School IB program, they just started having it, and they screw up my schedule.All IB of course:
Band 9
Physical Science & Biology
English 9
English 9 (You see, they need to replace one of my english classes with Geometry)
History World Civilization
Mandarin 1
I really wish my school would have more AP classes so I don't have to take them in college!
AP Bio(that's it), and then a local college offers college credit classes here, so they're like AP but not the real thing.
[QUOTE="p2rus"][QUOTE="dukebd699"]Grade 11
American Lit normal
Pre-Cal track 2(of 3)
AP US History
IB Spanish
IB Physics
wooo IB!
im in grade 11
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB/AP Economics
IB Spanish 5
IB English
IB Physics
IB World History
AP BC Calc
Yay! IB! I go to a full High School IB program, they just started having it, and they screw up my schedule.All IB of course:
Band 9
Physical Science & Biology
English 9
English 9 (You see, they need to replace one of my english classes with Geometry)
History World Civilization
Mandarin 1
haha i go to the mother of all IB schools, like basically one of the 1st in AmericaI was home-schooled on a farm. My teacher was a chicken
The only class I failed was the "How to milk a cow with no hands course"
philosophy of human nature
macroeconomic II
intro to microeconomics
campus newspaper(1 credit only)
These are in order of periods when I take them
1. Pre Calculus
2. They messed up my schedule somehow, so I don't have a class listed... not that a second period open would be a bad thing.
3. Physics
4. P.E. / Physics Lab
5. Lunch
6. Business Ownership and Management
7. Sci Fi
8. AP Computer Science
Only one AP course although I probably could take three, but I find it gets overwhelming.
Highschool sophmore.
1 - English 2
2 - PreCalculus (not sure how :? )
3 - Spanish II
4 - Art 2
5 - Graphics and Animations
7 - first semester Health/ second semester PE
8 - Chemistry
9 - World History AP
The only class I failed was the "How to milk a cow with no hands course"Anti-VenomDon't blame ya.
Latin V
Environmental Science
AP English Literature
AP Statistics
French V
Lots of free periods, although for my 2nd tri I'll be taking Ceramics during 5th or 6th, and during 3rd tri I'll be taking US Political Process during 5th.
Junior in College taking:
1. Organic Chemistry
2. Plant Physiology
3. Mammalian Physiology
4. Zoology
Also doing research on microbes that live in fire ant mounds as well as being a teachers assistant for a molecular biology lab.
Planning on getting a Masters or PhD?
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