Everytime a show gets cancelled there is always a legion of fans try some crazy voodoo crap to keep the show on air for longer. It seems like everyone is always pissed off by the cancellation of a show. How about you? Are there any shows that got cancelled and you didnt feel bad, infact you felt good about?
Let me clarify something before you answer:
- "Cancelled" is used to mean when a show either gets cancelled without a conclusion, or is ended with a solid conclusion like ER. This is to remove any confusion. So when a show is no longer on air, its considered cancelled.
- "Glad" doesnt mean that you hated the show, although it certainly can mean that too. "Glad" could also mean that you enjoyed the show, but you felt it was time it ended, or you felt that it had really gotten bad.
Anyways, on to some of my choices:
X-Files: I loved this show, but after Mulder left, it had seriously gone downhill. I'm glad the cancelled it before it became "That show". You know, the one everyone used to like but now is utter crap and no one will admit to ever being a fan.
The Pretender: This show started out great. Simple and great. As the show progressed it got so convoluted in its own mythology that it became completely ridiculous. I couldn't watch a single episode without rolling my eyes towards the end. The cliffhanger ending was bad, but the show seriously needed to end.
Kyle XY: Stellar first season, bad second season and an even worse third. I was elated when this show got cancelled. It had gotten so bad that it was almost painful to watch. This is one are where im with the network (Good decision ABC Family!).
Bionic Woman: This show was painful to watch. Its not that the acting was bad or anything, its just that the writers were terrible. This show had absolutely no story and was seriously going no where. I'm glad they cancelled it. Don't want a great actress like Katee Sackhoff getting dragged down by a show like Bionic woman. Hopefully now that BSG is over (So sad, one of the best shows ever!) I hope she gets her own show where she is the star. Hotness like that can not be left to fade away.
There are probably others I cant remember right now, and there are a few others which I hated but am not going to comment on because I only saw an episode before I stopped caring. So what are your choices?
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