i think what everyone is misjudging here is the fact that just because you are religious doesn't mean you are a good person, and similarily just because you are atheist doesn't mean you are a bad person.
As a outspoken atheist, I spread my knowledge to everyone I can, this is no different than your Priests or your Travelling Sisters whom preach their message to other. You can't have a double standard, if you can spread your message of god, than i can spread my message of understanding and truth.
Now, to further explain to those of the religious crowd to as to why some atheists feel it is their duty to bring people to the light, it is not because we want you to join us. Neither is it because we want to make everyone believe the same as us. It is because we want you to understand the truth of the matter.
Now before you take this message wrongly, you must understand that I do not force my beliefs upon anyone, and I do not try to 'convert' every religious person I meet. Those of you that are confused and are being taken advantage of by the religious institutions are those that the we would concern ourselves with enlightening.
Now some of you would think I am facist against Theists and the Religious alike, but you would be wrong. I respect those with a MATURE faith, but I cannot bring myself to respect those who do not respect themselves, aka IMMATURE faith.
What is immature faith? Immature faith are those people who believe because of ignorant reasons, or fail-safes. Example, a child goes to church and says he believes in god because if he doesn't he will go to hell... This is just fear of something that has been pressed upon societies for millienias, it is still in use today *cough* Terrorism *cough*
I hope this helps you religious people to better understand the Atheist motive, we do not want to rule the world, neither do we want assimilation, we just want understanding and less ignorance.
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