[QUOTE="tepni"]How can my posts not be off topic? They get replies so they mustn't be that bad. And if it were a joke why have I gotten so many in the past. and if it IS a joke i dont find the humor in it :/ The one that pissed me off the most was a guy who I found funny,I enjoyed his posts, I tracked him, and he messaged me telling him to untrack him and get a life. I mean, really? cmon. well that guy is just a jerk. from what ive seen, your contributing to the threads that dont bring any form of real discusssion or intellegent conversation.. i mean " australia vs usa .. i like australia cuz it has kangaroo's ?... " no offence.. but .. we already have enough mindless threads.... as i said before though, i have nothing against you, and someone that goes out of there way to send you a PM bashing you, needs to get a life themselves.. Why does it matter what she posts as long as it doesn't insult anyone else and it isn't suppose to be in another part of the forum? How is that not OTish?[QUOTE="nimatoad2000"]no offense but your posts arnt very OT'ish, you cant really take a joke either.. the proper way to explain it would be .. you clash.. but hey i didnt send you a message, i dont have a problem with you, to have a problem i would need to care. but as we used to say in my WOW server " TICHONDRIUS IS NOT FOR YOU" so maybee OT is not for you.nimatoad2000
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