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[QUOTE="-Sluggo-"]You been living in a cave?the_man03
Actually, before moving to America I used to live in an island called Saipan. Feel free to look it up.
Duuuuude.... that's the perfect place to have slurpees! You should go back there and start a slurpee store in the largest city. You'd make so much money...There are no words to describe the awesomeness.
I always mix at least 2 together.
Have not tried it with ice cream though.
You only know of Slurpees now?!
Not even The Simpsons hinted to you with their Squishees?
Think it's time to get out of that rock you've been living under, to get caught up on the awesomeness that is the Slurpee watch this: Slurpee 101
BTW try any of the Powerade Slurpees, they're amazing.
I love'em. They're the perfect choice for a cool treat on a hot summer day. Thankfully, I live in Winnipeg, the Slurpee capital of the world. We love them up here, on average, each of our 7-Eleven stores sell 8,300 Slurpees a month, this includes during the winter season where the temperature can drop below -40C w/windchill.
Edit: Also a little fact I forgot to mention, Winnipeg has the status of being the coldest city in the world. Yeah we're diehards.
Well, I found out that I lived next to a 7-Eleven just a few days ago after moving into my new apartment. So I thought it would have been cool to try a slurpee, it was the first time I had ever tried a slurpee (I'm 18 years old). After looking at the flavors, the only that looked good was Monster Black Ice. One sip and I was hooked. I was just kinda suprised that nobody ever told me to go out and get a slurpee earlier.
So.... slurpees, Hate em? Love em? If so, whats your favorite flavor.the_man03
Welcome to the party, better late than never, lol.
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