Reply to SubZero:
Are you seriously trying to compare the two? they are both bad the fact of the matter is in the most parts of the world women do not have equal rights compraed to men.. This isn't suggesting women are always the victims.. But you guys simply are dillusional if you think women some how have the most power overall.. They don't.
Uhh women not having much in the way of rights thanks in part to the leaders though DOESN'T necessarily mean that those same men don't treat the majority of other men like crap; Africa would be more comparable to Ancient Greece ifwhat you saywere the case. Such a minimalist view of the problems in Africa and making it gender devisive (not talking about you in this thread since its related the point of the topic, but much our policy regarding the region) underscores considerations for more effective strategies (like calling out those rulers for the scum that they are rather than hoping they adopt egalitarianism).
And remember my other point, the issue of women's status compared to men in many parts of Africa doesn't take into accountthe factthat women and men live in seperate spheres within their own communities with their own rules and customs and have limited engagement from the other sphere outside of marriage partners and special occasions. How can women in a good portion of Africa exactly be oppressed or disempowered by men if said spheres of women are ultimately run by older women?
You want to know why that is? Because parents think that having a male child is MUCH better.. So they abandon the female child.. This is brought upon on the view of thinking that having a male child is SUPERIOR.. And sexual power? Seriously? Men still control the majority of wealth and power in that nation..
Remember that the traditional family and many of the customs associated to it is still a central institution in China. Women upon marriage leave their own family sphere and marry into their husband's. Men are considered to still be connected with their parents and extended paternal family. And though this doesn't actually affect either's ability to support their families, women aren't shamed by the community for not taking care of their parents after getting married while men are shamed to death for abandoning their parents; such an arrangement is understood and enforced in partby women (both by mothers and by daughters who want to focus care on THEIR kids).
And though men have the majority of wealth in China, women who marry these men get access towards said wealth; they wouldn't actually marry themif that wasn't the case. Have you actually considered that many women may rather marry men who amass wealth than endeavor in the workplace to make that money themselves? Movements to empower women in other countries MUST take into account what the women of those countries desire. The values Western women hold aren't the same as those in other cultures afterall.
This has little to do with the fact of warring but of social development.. Countries with low social developement (or different) will tend to treat women has property or second ****citizens.
Thing is though is that men are the ones who predominately build infastructure thanks to the physical sacrifices such development requires. You recognize that infastructure is key to women's status compared to men so logically speaking, educating and empowering the men in those poorer Muslim countries in order to get them to start work on infastructure would do a lot more for women's empowerment for those regions than the equality dogma (whether or not such concerns are justified) at least until the regions have a comparable standard of life. Putting the cart in front of the horse and all that.
What does this have ANYTHING to do with the topic? Your talking about taxation something that has nothing to do with gender.
You talk about the wealth disparity, but said wealth disparity is casued by a small minority of very wealthy men who hold the majority of overall wealth. They have clout in Washington and options to exploit loopholes to prevent them from getting taxed. Women's rights have traditionally been won through burecracy. The wealth disparity simply cannot reach true equality until women's rights advocates adopt a different strategy other than moral shaming and dogma (not bad in of itself mind you)which has little effect on the big wigs in Washington. All further lobbying does is give those elites who are responsible for the wealth disparity the moral authority and the social approval to implement more taxation on the masses without seriously closing the wealth disparity; aka a poorly thought out strategy.
Yes because the taxes and extraction consists of just the men, not the women as well in the US.. :roll:
Men are the ones who pay the most in taxes. Women have the choice of marrying a man who will provide for them as opposedto working (that's not even getting into the social programs designed specifically for women that minimizes their need to work). Men (with very few exceptions) have to work to get money. Such a system of gender relations GUARENTEES that men will be taxed more than women through simple makeup of the overall taxbase, all other things being assumed equal. Such a reality dictates that the concerns of men in regards to taxation are more important than those of women (well, should) no matter how much this specific point disenfranchises women.
Who exactly do you think is responsible? I just pointed it out how guys who think men are some how less then women are full of it.
The wealthy elite.
No they aren't.. If you look at statistics its relatively even.. But say that it wasn't.. That has nothing to do with the system being unfair but voter turn out.. But yet agian no they are not.
In that case wouldn't that be, you know, WOMEN'S FAULT and their and their sympathizers responsibility to do something about other than complain about men and/or unfairness?
No because women and any minority just don't vote for those reasons.. Its a issue but there are general issues which are much more important overall.. You seem to have a overly simplistic view of the political process.. Women do not some how control it.. So yet again I am merely pointing out how full of it people are in declaring how men are pawns to women.. That just isn't the case.. If you look through out the world.. You will notice that every place of political power whether its military, dictator or elected official is held by a man.. The heads of all major religious orders are held by men (Pope, Dali Lama, Islamic Cleric's etc etc).. The Richest and most powerful organizations in the world are held predominately by men.. As I have shown earlier women have at the most positive figures in the United States still make less than 10% of a males wage.. This isn't defending extreme feminism.. But it just seems like many in this thread ignore basic unavoidable facts about this..
My logic can be applied to all issues. If the women voters repeatedly decide in part that a man is more capable of furthering their interests (which doesn't necessarily have to be gender based), then who is anybody to complain that women aren't in Washington? The desires of the majority of women should logically take precedence over that of a minority who want to be politicians.
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