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When it comes to attractiveness, height really shouldn't play that large a part, I don't think. 5' 5" is by no means tiny. I have a friend who's 21 and he might actually be shorter than you.
What were her reasons for rejecting you? Did she specifically say it was your height? Or did she give no real reasons whatsoever?
[QUOTE="luke1889"]She says she doesnt like me the way I want her to.She says "I like you in a general way as a friend,my feelings for you dont go any deeper than that".When it comes to attractiveness, height really shouldn't play that large a part, I don't think. 5' 5" is by no means tiny. I have a friend who's 21 and he might actually be shorter than you.
What were her reasons for rejecting you? Did she specifically say it was your height? Or did she give no real reasons whatsoever?
She has been very simphethatic in her way of rejecting me,there's no way she would point out a specific physical shortcoming in me even if I asked her.
Sheesh, that's a tough break. I mean...if your feelings for a girl aren't reciprocated, you sure as hell can't change that. So long as she was nice about it, I guess that does soften the blow somewhat.
In all honesty, it's probably best not to ask why. She'll have her reason, but in a lot of these cases, ignorance can certainly be bliss. I hope you're still friends, because sometimes, girls go all crazy and act like you've done something cataclysmic in asking them out and never speak to, or look at you, again. I've had that and it makes zero sense.
Last year in uni, I asked a girl out and I got the same response. "I just don't like you in that way." Hey, at least she was nice about it I guess. She's never spoken to me since though. :roll:
At this point, just keep your chin up and move on. When you really like a girl, rejection can feel like a steam train hitting you, but after a while logic reclaims the throne from emotion, and you'll move on.
I don't know what else to say, but whatever you do, do not get yourself down because of your height or anything else like that. It's not worth the emotional turmoil.
In my opinion, you're height will definitely continue to present some challenges for you in the future with some girls(even though many of us don't even get that tall). Im 5"5, and im only 16--I prefer a boy who is 5"9 on up myself. I continue to tell myself that I would personally never mess around with a guy who can't live up to those height expectations--especially ones my own height. But at the same time, it proved to be wrong once before, when I fell for a guy who has always been shorter then me.
It didn't help that he was pretty damn ugly at that--but due to the confidence he illuminated and his sense of humor, I couldn't help but want him regardless. I messed around with him off and on for a long while, and not only was height never an issue because he accepted it, but it truely became one of the things I loved about him. I was labeling him in my cell under "my little ugly" and all types of affectionate, playfully-degrading names.
This doesn't even sound like a height matter to me though, from the limited information you gave. Also, congratulations on having such a great friend. But seeing as how you might not only be too nice, but possibly insecure in others ways as well--I wouldn't really expect her to settle for you at all. But good luck with it though.
...all types of affectionate, playfully-degrading names.
My previous girl did that. It drove me crazy, so I told her to shut the hell up. :oops:
But seeing as how you might not only be too nice, but possibly insecure in others ways as well--I wouldn't really expect her to settle for you at all. But good luck with it though.
That's just...charming, isn't it? :roll:
In all honesty, it's probably best not to ask why. She'll have her reason, but in a lot of these cases, ignorance can certainly be bliss.
I disagree. Maybe it is something he can improve on for future girlfriends. Better than beating himself up over something he cannot change, like his height.
I think the problem is the "treating her like a princess". Treat her like an equal instead. She will at least respect you more, and you will respect yourself.
But seeing as how you might not only be too nice, but possibly insecure in others ways as well--I wouldn't really expect her to settle for you at all. But good luck with it though.
That's just...charming, isn't it? :roll:
I dont get this?Well, to me, that said:
"It's no surprise she didn't say yes; you're clearly insecure."
I call insult on that one. Or constructive criticism if we're politically correct. :P
In my opinion, you're height will definitely continue to present some challenges for you in the future with some girls(even though many of us don't even get that tall). Im 5"5, and im only 16--I prefer a boy who is 5"9 on up myself. I continue to tell myself that I would personally never mess around with a guy who can't live up to those height expectations--especially ones my own height. But at the same time, it proved to be wrong once before, when I fell for a guy who has always been shorter then me.
It didn't help that he was pretty damn ugly at that--but due to the confidence he illuminated and his sense of humor, I couldn't help but want him regardless. I messed around with him off and on for a long while, and not only was height never an issue because he accepted it, but it truely became one of the things I loved about him. I was labeling him in my cell under "my little ugly" and all types of affectionate, playfully-degrading names.
This doesn't even sound like a height matter to me though, from the limited information you gave. Also, congratulations on having such a great friend. But seeing as how you might not only be too nice, but possibly insecure in others ways as well--I wouldn't really expect her to settle for you at all. But good luck with it though.
Wow someones.. a bit full of themself..?
[QUOTE="luke1889"]In all honesty, it's probably best not to ask why. She'll have her reason, but in a lot of these cases, ignorance can certainly be bliss.
I disagree. Maybe it is something he can improve on for future girlfriends. Better than beating himself up over something he cannot change, like his height.
I think the problem is the "treating her like a princess". Treat her like an equal instead. She will at least respect you more, and you will respect yourself.
It depends entirely on the individual and how they would take such an answer. For some, it's a learning experience; for other's, it's pretty crushing.
I guess when I said "a lot of these cases", I mean...some. :P
[QUOTE="luke1889"][QUOTE="HALO2cookie"]Wow someones.. a bit full of themself..?Hitman_887
That's what I thought also.
Me too.I mean wanting an ugly guy cuz of his sense of humour?LOL if only reality was like that.Maybe 0.1% girls are like that but that's about it really.Mate my advice would be not to worry about it; its just one of those things.. The girl is not attracted to you, so remain friends with her, don't act wierd and carry on as normal. It happens to everyone.. Put yourself in her shoes if you liked a girl just as a friend but was not attracted to her; you'd do the same.. Right? I'm rather short, 5,9 but my hieght has never been an issue for me. I've even dated taller girls! Its all about confidence mate.
[QUOTE="luke1889"][QUOTE="HALO2cookie"]Wow someones.. a bit full of themself..?Hitman_887
That's what I thought also.
Me too.I mean wanting an ugly guy cuz of his sense of humour?LOL if only reality was like that.Maybe 0.1% girls are like that but that's about it really.It's also worth noting that females aren't so...obsessed with looks as guys can be. Personality makes up a lot more for sub-par looks in the eyes of a female that it tends to for guys.
Ever wondered why you'll see a hot girl with an ugly guy and not usually vice versa?
Me too.I mean wanting an ugly guy cuz of his sense of humour?LOL if only reality was like that.Maybe 0.1% girls are like that but that's about it really.
Who said I wanted him only for his sense of humor? It was his confidence as well--he had other things going on for him, I just felt that common sense would make that self-explanatory for the most part, but those are two of the three major qualities I look for initially in a guy. You really make it seem as if a good sense of humor isn't such a big factor when it comes to many girls. How you can belittle the power of a guy making a girl laugh is beyond me.
@ Tecmo
Ok, what if some dude said you were ugly but you had "Other things going on" And then called you ugly girl under his cell? Yeah.. Didn't think so. Shrink your head plz.
It's only one girl. I know it's hard to accept, and this is totally lame to say but, time heals all wounds. It's true.
I'm 5'6 and 22. I haven't found it to be a hindrance really. I can look around my campus and the malls and see people shorter than me with their girlfriends/wives.
I will say though, I've noticed the really short women (such as the one you asked out) have some sort of ... complex about dating men shorter than 6'0 (this doesn't apply to all short women, I know). Try looking for a girl around your height.
So I got rejected for the first time which also happened to be the first time I asked a girl out.I am brutally shatered cuz after getting to know her I just fell in love with her.We have a very good understanding,have a blast together,laugh and what not when we are together.She is single and is actually looking for a partner for a year now,she knows I absolutely love her and yet wont accept me.
Then she asked out my really hot and very good friend whom she did NOT know.That's how worthless and pathetic I am it seems.My friend refused her because of me.
Anyways that was my brief story.Since then I was like trying to tell myself,there are more fish in the sea and blah blah but am really having trouble dealing with reality.
And now people tell me that being short in height is another real bummer.I am only 5"5 and 20 years old so unlikely to get any taller.This girl is 5 feet so I am pretty comfortably taller than her.
I have enjoyed 20 years of my life so far.But seems like I have a very difficult road ahead in search of attractive girls.Good thing life isnt infinite I guess.
DAMN if only I was more attractive I would have gotten this girl,life would be uber perfect dammit.:cry:
bro, i know how you feel
@ Tecmo
Ok, what if some dude said you were ugly but you had "Other things going on" And then called you ugly girl under his cell? Yeah.. Didn't think so. Shrink your head plz.
But what does that have to do with anything? Regardless, I was only being playfully affectionate with my words when I did that--you're going to assume that a guy hasn't called me names like "ugly" before or list me as that in his cell? It's already been done.
But usually when a guy put things like that in his cell to begin with and im made aware of it, I'd just laugh because for him to have my number to begin with would tell me that he's a friend atleast and he's probably messing around.
But more importantly, I know im not ugly in the slightest(the way I see it, if I don't believe im a hot commodity, then why should anyone else?)--so it really wouldn't matter regardless of a guy's intentions about it. I know I can't make people attracted to me--but I just don't feel a need to let my confidence take a hit because of it.
If I come across as conceited, then so be it I guess.
quit basing your entire self worth on what people think about you.
you probably only love her because shes hot
maybe if you werent so shallow you would develop a substantial and true love with someone instead of just being attracted to girls who cant have
I am only 5'2" (maybe 5'1.5" but my driver's license begs to differ) -- and I have always dated taller guys -- like the last guy I dated was 6'2" -- I always just like taller guys...
BUT -- there is this one guy, he's confident, funny, powerful, etc --- and he's prob 5'3"-5'4" and that totally is irrelevant due to the other things I mentioned and after I got to know him and see him this way... lets just say I wanted to rip his clothes off (and we eventually got to that :D)
Physical attraction is very important but can only take you so far. How you carry yourself will affect how a person sees you as well.
I am only 5'2" (maybe 5'1.5" but my driver's license begs to differ) -- and I have always dated taller guys -- like the last guy I dated was 6'2" -- I always just like taller guys...
BUT -- there is this one guy, he's confident, funny, powerful, etc --- and he's prob 5'3"-5'4" and that totally is irrelevant due to the other things I mentioned and after I got to know him and see him this way... lets just say I wanted to rip his clothes off (and we eventually got to that :D)
Physical attraction is very important but can only take you so far. How you carry yourself will affect how a person sees you as well.
yeah. I definately think taller and more attractive guys feel they dont have to compensate for anything, which probably only makes them even moar attractive.
It isnt so much about the height. Well, the "hollywood" girls will go for the tall, strikingly handsome guys but you dont want a woman like that anyways. I happen to know quite a few millionaires in my company and they are all short man. Like around your height. I have to say, not in a gay way, that they're studs man. They're friggin millionaires, short, and they have beautiful wives. It's not how tall you are bro. It's all about the confidence. Chicks dig guys with confidence. They want that protection, that security.
I guess there are benefits of being taller. Like I said, Hollywood movies often portray tall handsome men on TV and movies, and that may be true, but there are ways to defy your genetics in a healthy way. I'm not saying there's a way to get taller. I'm just saying it's how you feel about yourself. Dont let girls like that get to you.
I am 6'0 tall and it doesnt necessarily mean I'll get more girls than you. Dont think that for a second.
I'll be honest, being taller does help but it doesnt mean you'll seal the deal.
I am only 5'2" (maybe 5'1.5" but my driver's license begs to differ) -- and I have always dated taller guys -- like the last guy I dated was 6'2" -- I always just like taller guys...
BUT -- there is this one guy, he's confident, funny, powerful, etc --- and he's prob 5'3"-5'4" and that totally is irrelevant due to the other things I mentioned and after I got to know him and see him this way... lets just say I wanted to rip his clothes off (and we eventually got to that :D)
Physical attraction is very important but can only take you so far. How you carry yourself will affect how a person sees you as well.
Your 5'2 and you date guys that are taller than you, I think that it would be hard not to, you know there arent many guys shorter than that
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