I'll break it down for you. ;)
1. There are only two logical ways the universe came to be; either it has always existed or some higher power created it. I find that since the universe is bound by scientific laws, it seems illogical that it would have to break its own laws to exist. Simply put, the idea that the universe has always existed doesn't make sense to me because that would mean that energy has always existed in our universe.
2. Miracles. Science can't and never will be able to explain them. I would give examples, but an Atheist who's smarter than I am would probably refute them. :P I just think that the fact that things happen that aren't logical or explainable means that something above the comprehension or power of man has to be at work making them happen. How else would a miracle work anyway?
3. I've experienced Him. Though not as often as I would like, I have felt Him working in my life and in those around me. Kind of correlation to miracles, some people I've come to know have changed their lives dramatically through God intervening in their life. I have no real way to prove this, and it is one of things you have to experience to believe.
Those are my two cents. These points will probably be refuted, but hopefully this will help some.
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