I have seen what man has wrought on this planet between smog and other stuff that has polluted the planet. While moving away from fossil fuels and such, we need to move forward in the field of energy from other sources besides coal and natural gas (cleaner than coal). We do need more nuclear power plants on that end, even though there is a waste byproduct, the radiation aspect was always with the base materials. We need to find other ways to power our vehicles too. Devlopment of alternative fuels is a must or better yet, true electrical vehicles.
Part of the going green is the need for developers to stop with the suburban sprawl type of communities that have been der rigueur for the past 60 years. I admire the way Europeans still build communites that feature living over places of business or within walking distance so a car is not needed. The few places here in the States that do this, the housing is not affordable for those who would wish to live in such places (in Edmonton, a friend called such an area Yuppie Heaven or something to that effect).
More companies need to make their products more energy efficient so demand on electicity drops. There is so much that can be done, yet no one wants to do more.
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