No, it's called paying attention to some REALLY obvious signs. Believe me, I'm the last person to say that you can have a five minute conversation with someone and accurately diagnose them, but there are some things that just stick out. The checkboard is one of them, that is insanely manipulative and a blatant indicator of psychological issues. The objectification part, referring to his daughters as gifts that he is going to be giving away and the mother saying that women were created to feel accepted by men. As for the rest, fine it's a guess, but it's an informed guess and it makes sense. That's why I started the sentence with "seems to me."
"Believe me,I'm the last person to say that you can have a five minute conversation with someone and accurately diagnose them"...You did just that :| so why start with "believe me"..who are you try to convince?..maybe yourself?
"That's why I started the sentence with "seems to me." No you didn't ..You started off with "NO" like you are coming from a position of authority referencing my post..nice try at backtracking ..just check the post...it's right there..
Then you carry on and say "No, it's called paying attention to some REALLY obvious signs"..that's the biggest horse S*it ever..you know nothing about what the family is "other then this video" and you claim you accurately diagnose them..WTF..what are you? 1st year and come onto a game forum to make yourself feel good by the limited book knowledge you have?
As i said something i raised an eyebrow at some of what was expressed..i think only a f*cking idiot would claim fact to something they no idea about and haven't spent any more time with it other than the 3 min video..but that's year 2 ..you'll get there..
I never claimed to diagnose anyone, you can't diagnose someone in minutes. You can, however, gain insight into their mind in minutes. That's hardly a diagnosis, but it is something.
"Seems to me like this is a case of projection" No backtracking, just check it's right there.
Because those are very obvious signs. Obvious signs that you can detect are part of psychology, as are less obvious ones that you can't detect through simple conversation. The signs are there, any psychiatrist will tell you that checkboard is a giant red flag.
F*cking idiot, says the person who quotes out of context and flies off the handle when someone states the obvious.
I never claimed to diagnose anyone?
Really? your whole rant is nothing but that
"No, that family looks like it has an obsessive and controlling father who speaks about women as if they were objects and who is teaching his daughters that natural human emotion and affection are a sin. Seems to me like this is a case of projection, Daddy was a poonhound when he was younger and because having daughters has changed his perspective he must reconcile his new views with his past actions, and being unable to do so without viewing himself negatively he instead generalizes his past outlook on to all young men and decides the only way to protect his daughters is to go to these absurd means."
just stop..I'm just calling you on your BS..you're only making it worse..you have NOTHING to base your claim..other then a sign or two..
I agree with you on the check board..why do you think i keep saying i raised an eyebrow? BUT that doesn't mean more than what it is WITHOUT knowing more..i didn't take it to the stupid levels you did..that's why i think your 1st year...if that..
It's ironic you say "F*cking idiot, says the person who quotes out of context and flies off the handle when someone states the obvious." when out of context as ALL you have done..you don't know S*it but try to come from authoritywhen you dont know S*it....let me say again you dont know S*it..dont try to come off like you do..it makes you look like a tool...
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