Yep i got the swine flue and i must say so far it hasn't been that that bad. The highest temperature so far i've gotten has been 102 and i only threw up one time. But i get very nauses, and my bones are really weak and i have to walk hunched over because the bones in my back really hurt. But towards night time my temperature sub-sides down to 98 which is normal about everynight. I am 16 years old and i just had some questions for anyone following up on the swine flue or anyone who has had it, is there a risk of me dying? I read that the high risk are people who'm are pregnant, older the 65, or with heart diseases in which i dont have any of that.
But i still want to know if the chances are there that i can die from this. I have had a period today where it was pretty bad my illness but right now im feeling ok again. And how can this kill me? Any statistics?
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