Whilest playing Gutair Hero 2 (Which i brought today, and before any of you say "Waste of money wait for GH3, please read the following - What i do with my money is none of your concern). Anyyyway, so i had an itchy nose whilest playing GH 2 whilest doing a big solo on a certain song and it was a LONG solo and my nose was just killing me lol I HAD to itch it, luckily its only a game. But it made me wonder, what if a real Gutair player had a mega itchy nose whilest doing a big solo infront of thousnends of people! lol it would be like torture... what you reckon he would do it, itch it or wait for his LONG solo to finish before itching his mega annoying nose lol.
Frightening and embrassesing to think if that happend lol
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