I have $130.....Opinion #1: Buy a Force FX Lightsaber for $85-$105......I LOVE star was and me and a few friends want to do some duels and 2 mini-movies this summer.... This could be A LOT of fun....Like 10/10 fun. Yoda's is $90 and Vader's is $110.Opinion #2: Save to get Rock Band.... This could take a month or two since I don't really have a job. I love the drums and vocals in Rock Band. This could also be rather fun since I like the Rock Band Song selection.....But Rock Band 2 and GH4 are coming out soon....Could be a plus is RB2 supports RB gear.Opinion #3: Save for PS3.....This could take all year if I don't get a job soon.....I really want MGS4 and Blu-Ray, but that is it.....FOR NOW!!!!
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