Let me start off with the last thing that I remember, which was going to a club with two of my buddies on new years eve to celebrate.
Now I've just awaken today about an hour ago with this throbbing headache realizing I wasn't home. And as I turned my head to the left I see this girl who I have never seen in my life. I tried to wake her by shaking her shoulder, however it didn't work... I didn't want to do anything to scare her awake because I'm afraid that she might not remember me too, and think that I'm a rapist or something.
Because of the situation I wanted to go home, thus I wrote a note with my number on it so she can call me later... But the thing is, as I was gathering my stuff I couldn't find my bloody pants!!!! Which have my keys, phone, and wallet. :x This is when I decided to use her house phone to call my friend to pick me up. But she doesn't have one! >_< (...I don't blame her cause I probably wouldn't have one if i had my own place...)
So now I am STARVING. I looked in her fridge for some food and ALL that's in there is alcohol! I mean that thing is STUFFED with it! The only food that I found was some frozen (and I think moldy) bread and few slices of smoked ham.
I tried waking her up again three more time, but this girl sleeps like a rock. So now I am trapped here with no food or communication to the outside world. All I have here is her crappy Vista computer that's slower than slow, I doesn't even have the correct date (01/02/2011) which I am praying to God that the date is wrong. Because if this date is correct that would mean that I was knocked out since new years eve!!
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