and a few things have been bugging me and i wanted to know if any of you could possibly answer them.
1.) why is there only 1 female infected (the one nevell caught) in the whole move that i saw
2.) At the end Wtf happend, i mean they move then into one room and supposdly nevell dies, but the women and child dosent? i dident understand what kept them alive, i mean i saw the explosion but shouldent the kid and woman have died too?
3.) in the middle of the movie he gets caught by a trap that keeps him in the air until nighttime (when the infected dogs come out) who set the trap?, nevell or the women (ann, i think), and who put fred ther, the infected for bait or somthing?
thanks in advance to anyone who can answer these, maybe i just need to watch the movie again but those are just some things what i just couldent get my mind around..
The internet movie database has answers to all of your questions. But I will try to answer them.
1. I always assumed there was more women infected, it's just that the guys and girls that are infected look a lot alike since they've lost all of their hair. I couldn't tell the difference until Neville caught her in the trap. I hope that answers your question.
2. The boy and woman are saved by getting into the small chute in the wall. They were behind a wall, so when the grenade went off, it didn't effect them and only killed who was in the room that they just left(Neville and the infected).
3. The infected alpha male set the trap. Neville talks in the movie about how some of the infected are evolving. Saying that they are having feelings that is unlike them, like when the alpha male's female mate is taken by Neville in the trap, the alpha male steps out into the sun for a couple seconds before going back inside. So basically, the alpha male saw how Neville made the trap that caught his mate, so he made one of his for Neville, he could tell Neville have been around the mannquin "Fred" by the smell. Did you noticed how when Neville came home he poured vinegar outside of his home so that it covers up his scent?
I hope that helps.
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