children of men is way more thought-provoking then oldboy and i love that movie to
plot of old boy
dosnt take much to get
AND how dare you call it trash!
Actually, that's not quite right.
(The damn site says I have invalid tags or some BS, so you're just going to have to avoid reading this) SPOILER!!!
The guy was imprisoned for 15 years and his family was killed and he has no idea why. Then he is released and given 5 days to figure out why he was imprisoned, all the while attempting to get revenge. Though his nemesis blackmails him by withholding the reason he did it all.
He DID know he had a daughter, it made it bleedingly obvious at the start and he thought she was killed. In reality, she was kept alive and he was locked away for 15 years so that she would have time to grow up and he would then have intercourse with her without knowing it was his actual daughter. The antagonist did this as revenge for telling everyone that that he slept with his own sister and spread the rumour that she was pregnant, after which she killed herself.
The real kicker was the photo album the protagonist flips through showing his daughter growing up in to the woman he met at the sushi bar...
Personally, I didn't enjoy Children of Men all that much either. Not to say it was a bad movie, I thought it had a nice sense of realism and cinematogrophy but I felt the central theme to the movie was a bit vague, I found myself wondering what was the actual point. Suddenly everyone is infertile, their are wars and immigration issues spiralling out of control and a woman who became pregnant must be smuggled to the safety of a rebel group... I think I must be missing something?
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