Dear Cassandra Viker,
Happy Valentine's Day, Cassandra! I just wanted to make you a letter because I wanted to show you how much I care about you, and appreciate you.
When I first came to *Insert High School Here*, I was scared that I wouldn't meet any new friends... And then I met you. Now there's actually a reason to wake up every day and go to school; because I get to see you. Just seeing you puts a smile on my face.
You are a really caring friend, and you always show it. I love it when you sit next to me during lunch and we talk. It's always the best moment of my day. If I am depressed, you can make me happy just by saying hi to me. You have this magic power that controls my happiness, and it's awesome.
You're just like Super Mario Galaxy; Everything about you is perfect, and I wouldn't want you any other way. When I look back at my High School days and think of the people that made me most happy during my time there, you'll be the first person I think of. It's a joy going to school every day knowing that I'll see my favorite person there.
I love you, and I'll always be there for you. I would do anything to make you happy, because when you're happy, I'm happy. I hope you know that. You make life worth living. Any day I don't see you is a bad day. You always make my day. I love everything about you, and I hope you have a great Valentine's Day... And I know that this may sound strange for me to say, but I love you even more than my Wii.
*Insert my name here*
P.S. Smile... The world needs more of those. ^_^
*There was originally a picture of Super Mario Galaxy here.*
The picture above represents the level of awesomeness Cassandra Viker is. (Number too high to measure out of 10)
My MOM saw that letter and I am freaking out. So please make me feel better so I can function properly; Have your parents ever found something that belonged to you that was embarressing or just weird? It can be anything. Like, they saw you looking at something that is innapropriate on the computer.
Share your stories so I can feel less awkward. Also, do you think my letter was cute? Or just plain creepy?
By the way, I replaced the girl's name with a different name.
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