Last time I got something for someone's wedding that wasn't on their registries, they returned it and got something else. That's when I just decided to give up... and not try so hard to get wedding gifts.
So, now when I recieve the wedding invitation, I do the following:
Open invitation
Find sheet of paper that states places they are registered
Pick the first one and go to that store
Print out the registry
Wander around the store aimlessly until I pick up enough items on the registry so it is over 40 dollars
Go home
Last wedding I got the couple a wooden spoon, a bottle of popcorn seasoning, a bathmat, and an attachment to a mixer they ended up not getting. They emailed me and told me they never ended up getting the mixer and so I emailed them this image back:
They probably won't even use some of this stuff much, I know I didn't use my wii wheel much. I would go with either the WiiFit bundle or get them Wii Sports Resort.MistressMinako
Both wii fit and wii sports resort would be great bundles to get. They may think they want all those plastic accessories but they won't need them.
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