First a little back-story... I work at Walmart as a cashier... Our ZMS (basically the supervisor over one of the zones of the store) left a few months ago and seeing as it's the highest paid position in the store (besides the salaried managers) nearly everyone qualifying applied for that position myself included.
I already lived in a different city but after getting my apartment I now live 2 cities over... I drive about an hour to and from work... So as I was going to put in a transfer request the current ZMS told me she was leaving and asked if I wanted her job...
So of-course I decided to hold off on my transfer(I already applied for her job months before as a precaution if she ever got fired)... All of my supervisors told me they thought I was the best for the job and that they'd push for me getting it(except the one that also wanted the job)
After learning more about the transfer process I decided to go ahead and put in my request seeing as it usually takes months before they get those sorted out...
So everyone has interviewed except for me and they all sucked far too much to get the job... I knew I was a shoe-in... Being just made employee of the month in march, getting perfect performance reviews in February, receiving a Walmart pendent for being awesome at my job, having my picture put on display in the store for being the best at my job, and the manager making an award poster in honor of me being great...
Today the manager called me into his office and I'm hyped because it's finally my chance... And he tells me the manager at the store I put in my transfer request for called and asked about me... So I told him that it was only an option and I'd rather stay they as the new ZMS... He went over how great I was and they said "I have no doubt that you could do that job but it wouldn't be fair to the others(that didn't get that job) if a (lowly) cashier got promoted that many levels(5 job levels)"He said after the holiday he'd talk to the manager again and try to get it setup...
I'm livid!!! I'm basically the most qualified current associate but the only thing holding me back is his OK... I'm technically able to bypass the experience because I have my associates degrees so I am actually qualified... I think this is BS but I am biased because it's me...
What do you think OT is this BS or am I really doomed by my lack of years being a Walmart slave?
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