I've been cancelled on many a time, usually when I'm there already. I just get lunch, buy a CD or game and leave.
and your not mad? if someone made a plan with me like meet me in the city, i go there, and he/she is not there i'd be mad maybe not talking to them for awhile
Here's the thing, StriptheSoul has the right idea and basically said what I was going to say except mine was advice and his is the appropriate action he took in a real situation. I'm telling you that she got cold feet, and it's doesn't necessarily have to be she doesn't like you, she could have an anxiety problem of some sort but what it comes down to is she doesn't want to go on the date. You need to lower your reliance on the date and think "if it happens it happens" that way you don't spend the rest of the night self-loathing and spend it improving how you feel and doing the things you love.Indeed. Sometimes, women are just bats*** crazy. Nothing you can do about it.
I once had a girl cancel on me while I was sitting in this expensive restaurant waiting for her. She claimed that all the trains and whatnot from where she lived were cancelled. That was a lie. I found out later, when I asked her out again and pressed her on it, that her real reason was one of her friends had not returned the shoes she was planning to wear, and so "her outfit was ruined", and she had some sort of freakout over it. I kid you not.
The moral of the story is just chill, ask her out again, and if she comes up with some other excuse then she's just not that into you. In which case she's not worth the hassle.
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