alright here's how the albums, in my opinion, go (keep in mind im a whore for radiohead):
Pablo Honey...notably their worst album and their "foot in the door." Their musical style deviates quite a bit from here but it may cater to your upbeat needs.
The Bends...a better album, but radiohead was still trying to find their voice. This is their "pop-iest" album.
OK Computer....their voice is found and they have created a masterpiece. btw, from here on out, i find that the "upbeat" aspect of their music goes out the door (which i prefer more actually). OK Computer is my favorite album of all time too.
Kid A...Radiohead's attempt at breaking the conventional styles of music and offering a new..shall i say "organic?" type of music. imo, their attempt was a success. The album is very lush and flows remarkably well. Many people were turned down by this album, but it takes quite a few play throughs to truly appreciate the beauty of the album.
Amnesiac...The sister album (or companion album) to Kid A. in fact some jokingly call it Kid B. What i said about Kid A applies here as well. Although, some argue that it doesn't flow as well as Kid A. Nevertheless, this album has its share of amazing tracks.
Hail to the my opinion, the most underrated Radiohead album. In this album, they go regress to music that sounds more like a five set band. I would say that this album is quite gloomy (but i like it). Also, i personally found this album to share the same "spirit" of some of Pink Floyd's stuff (which is always a positive).
In Rainbows...this album is more upbeat that HttT and i find it a combination of OK and HttT. Great album like always. Nothing more to say about it. Oh and Reckoner is one of the most beautiful things i have ever heard in my life and i put it on my top 5 list of greatest songs.
In conclusion, listen to all the albums. Each one will find its niche in your listening prefrences. I also suggest you listen to them in order-a more natrual progression. Hope i helped.
oh, and ps, before some jackass criticizes me, please know that these are simply my opinions.
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