I'm driving on the highway into Boston when some woman (yes, a woman) cuts into 3 lanes and directly into me (she was lucky I was the only car around and the nearest one was about 150 ft behind us). She cut so close to me that if I hadn't stepped on the brakes, I would have fishtailed her and she would be dead. We were both going about 60 mph. I honk the horn and she makes some gesture with her hand (which I couldn't see since she put her hand to high and it just looked like some part of the roof) and she just kept going... at about 65-70 mph. We hit the tolls and we both paid, she slowed down and then sped through a tunnel. She was driving a red Lexus and she was young with black hair. She was actually kind of hot but she was an idiot.
Talk about adding to the stereotype.
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