[QUOTE="tomxizor"]What kind of gun was he planning on using? :|Funkdaddy13

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[QUOTE="AForceUser123"]were the columbine able too fire 12 gauges?
what kinda gun did they use?
and im not goin to school. i already told my mom.
They were tall, slightly athletic seniors.:| Dylan Klebod had a 12-gauge sawn-off with him, but scarcely used it; the recoil was way too much for even him.:|
What is with you and the indifferent smilies? Its not like some epic, unspeakable thing if they can't do it. You just sort of make it seem like, to be honest.[QUOTE="tomxizor"][QUOTE="AForceUser123"]were the columbine able too fire 12 gauges?
what kinda gun did they use?
and im not goin to school. i already told my mom.
They were tall, slightly athletic seniors.:| Dylan Klebod had a 12-gauge sawn-off with him, but scarcely used it; the recoil was way too much for even him.:|
What is with you and the indifferent smilies? Its not like some epic, unspeakable thing if they can't do it. You just sort of make it seem like, to be honest.:|:|:P:|:|
I like the smiley, okay! :P
[QUOTE="tomxizor"][QUOTE="AForceUser123"]were the columbine able too fire 12 gauges?
what kinda gun did they use?
and im not goin to school. i already told my mom.
They were tall, slightly athletic seniors.:| Dylan Klebod had a 12-gauge sawn-off with him, but scarcely used it; the recoil was way too much for even him.:|
What is with you and the indifferent smilies? Its not like some epic, unspeakable thing if they can't do it. You just sort of make it seem like, to be honest.":|" smiley is needed for this discussion.
[QUOTE="DivergeUnify"][QUOTE="tomxizor"][QUOTE="AForceUser123"]were the columbine able too fire 12 gauges?
what kinda gun did they use?
and im not goin to school. i already told my mom.
They were tall, slightly athletic seniors.:| Dylan Klebod had a 12-gauge sawn-off with him, but scarcely used it; the recoil was way too much for even him.:|
What is with you and the indifferent smilies? Its not like some epic, unspeakable thing if they can't do it. You just sort of make it seem like, to be honest.":|" smiley is needed for this discussion.
I think after the first 3 messages of "No, it can't be done :| :| :| :| :|" we understand that it can't be done. But not only can it not be done, it can't be done+ :| :| :| :|i aint goin, cuz this is a geek kid.
i dont know if i can trust him or not.
he said he was gonna bring a 12 guage sawed off.
he said about 7 people.
look, honestly, I would contact the authorities, call up my best friends, and warn all of them, and not go to school on monday
stuff like that is too risky to be joking about it or be taken light heartedly
Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.Dethshoot
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
[QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.MrGeezer
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out...[QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.darkfox101
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out... Spray a few rounds in a circle... lol I don't think that would work very well.[QUOTE="AForceUser123"]What does being a geek have to do with his threat level?He's probably uber 1337 and has 500+ hours racked up in CSS which makes him that much more deadlyi aint goin, cuz this is a geek kid.
i dont know if i can trust him or not.
he said he was gonna bring a 12 guage sawed off.
he said about 7 people.
[QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.darkfox101
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out...Dude, think about it. If the shooter gets swarmed, he's not gonna have time to make sure that he only delivers kill shots. If you you suddenly ge swarmed by 20 people who want to rip your arms off, are you gonna have time to kill all of them?
At best, you might have time to shoot 15 of them before the remaining 5 rip your arms off. Thing is, you didn't have time to shoot carefully, so most of the 15 people that you DID shoot are just gonna end up wounded.
As opposed to a scenario in which everyone runs. At which point the shooter just goes along until he finds one person alone. He takes his time, aims carefully, kills that person dead, and then repeats 20 times.
Here's the thing about big brains...that sort of logic works fine if you AREN'T one of the 50 people who gets shot.
"Oh no, someone is trying to kill us. Let me hide and hope that nothing happens to me."
Is that REALLY the wise action to take? When their is a threat to many people, isn't it ALWAYS better that they collecively try to neatralize that threat rather than run away and hope that they don't personally become victims?
And yes, I realize that when people fight, sometimes people are gonna die. But you have to ask, what is the cost of NOT fighting?
I've started firing 12 guage shot guns when I was about 10. The kick was pretty harsh but there's no reason he wouldn't be able to fire it despite being small. The only thing that would eff it up would be if he held it completely wrong (like ash in evil dead).
Also it would be a pretty useless weapon after the first shot since students would start running, you'd have to reload, and the weapon has a pretty short range. He could have a pump action shotgun, but they're pretty rare.
as for the bum rush of 20 or so people it just doesn't happen, and actually a sawed off is really effective against that which is why you would bring it. Most people when they get fired upon go into instant panic, and trying to expect a fair amount of people in a group to actually attack isn't a reasonable request. Also the sawed off has a massive spray radius meaning that if the gunman was backed against a wall, or in a corner he actually has a chance of wounding a large group trying to rush him. Of course if he has a normal shot gun instead of a semi-automatic he'd be pretty vulnerable when reloading.
[QUOTE="darkfox101"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.DivergeUnify
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out... Spray a few rounds in a circle... lol I don't think that would work very well.Yea.. this isn't a game... things don't just work like that :|
[QUOTE="DivergeUnify"][QUOTE="darkfox101"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.Dethshoot
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out... Spray a few rounds in a circle... lol I don't think that would work very well.Yea.. this isn't a game... things don't just work like that :|
I don't think ants consider the consequences, i guess it depends on the situation.. if this guy is far away and popping plp I don't think anyone will consider it, but if hes at a desk and your sitting next to him, i guess it would work.. since he is facing the other way shooting you grab him someone else will grab him etc. Ok i see your point :D. I guess 9/11 is an example and with one of the planes. The passengers fought back and made the terrorists not reach there target.. to bad it still went down :(Obviously the most logical thing to do would be to rush him. But consider the scenario... your carrying on with your day like normal, next thing you know people are being shot. You don't have time to think of the most logical method. You would just panic.
[QUOTE="Bulldog19892"][QUOTE="AForceUser123"]What does being a geek have to do with his threat level?i aint goin, cuz this is a geek kid.
i dont know if i can trust him or not.
he said he was gonna bring a 12 guage sawed off.
he said about 7 people.
a lot.
if he gets bullied alot yeah I suppose he could of cracked but if it was really bad constant bullying I have some sympathy for him, I think most people would be pretty angry/bitter if they had some people making there life **** everyday, but yeah this kid needs some help either way like a psychologist maybe
i aint goin, cuz this is a geek kid.
i dont know if i can trust him or not.
he said he was gonna bring a 12 guage sawed off.
he said about 7 people.
[QUOTE="darkfox101"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.MrGeezer
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out...Dude, think about it. If the shooter gets swarmed, he's not gonna have time to make sure that he only delivers kill shots. If you you suddenly ge swarmed by 20 people who want to rip your arms off, are you gonna have time to kill all of them?
At best, you might have time to shoot 15 of them before the remaining 5 rip your arms off. Thing is, you didn't have time to shoot carefully, so most of the 15 people that you DID shoot are just gonna end up wounded.
As opposed to a scenario in which everyone runs. At which point the shooter just goes along until he finds one person alone. He takes his time, aims carefully, kills that person dead, and then repeats 20 times.
Here's the thing about big brains...that sort of logic works fine if you AREN'T one of the 50 people who gets shot.
"Oh no, someone is trying to kill us. Let me hide and hope that nothing happens to me."
Is that REALLY the wise action to take? When their is a threat to many people, isn't it ALWAYS better that they collecively try to neatralize that threat rather than run away and hope that they don't personally become victims?
And yes, I realize that when people fight, sometimes people are gonna die. But you have to ask, what is the cost of NOT fighting?
nobody talks to this kid and hes gonna come up to me and say that.
hes a ginger.
hes a 9th grader.
bout 5'5
he told another person he was gonna shoot them in the throat and eat there adams apple.
he told me if he saw me he would shoot me in the knee cap.
i dont believe you... you're just making this up.... :|
[QUOTE="tomxizor"][QUOTE="AForceUser123"]i aint goin, cuz this is a geek kid.
i dont know if i can trust him or not.
he said he was gonna bring a 12 guage sawed off.
he said about 7 people.
A 12-gauge sawed-off? How old and how large is this kid?:|
seriously.. very few people qualify as capable of firing one of those :|
Yeah I was thinking this... and where did he get one :o
[QUOTE="darkfox101"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.DivergeUnify
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out... Spray a few rounds in a circle... lol I don't think that would work very well.if this guy is using a sawn off 12 guage it would take much to wipe out a whole room...
[QUOTE="DivergeUnify"][QUOTE="darkfox101"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Dethshoot"]Btw.. just incase this guy is capable of firing a sawed off.. and if this is true... please, after he makes the first shot, someone, go up to him, and punch him in the face. You'll be saving people.muppet1010
One of the things that saddens the hell out of me about all these school massacres is that everyone runs from the killers.
Which I can understand.
But look at the Ant. Ants don't do that. And that's why you don't **** around with ants.
And that's not to say that ants WANT to die, or don't try to avoid dying. Every ant wants to live. If you see a swarm of ants, start picking on one of them. That one ant will get very afraid. It will not try to sting you, it will try to run for its life. And while that one ant is doing that, the other 1000 ants are gonna be climbing up your leg preparing for a massive attack that will **** you up.
Insect logic is not to be thrown away lightly. It is the logic that allowed them to survive since before the time of the dinosaurs. It is the same logic that makes them, by mass and probably by numbers, the most numerous animals on the planet.
Human logic says "if someone gets shot, everyone must hide." Insect logic says "if you get shot at, run. If you're not getting shot, **** up the guy who is shooting at a member of your species."
And honestly, if humans followed that logic, these massacres would never be as bad as they have been. Because if everyone who wasn't getting shot jumped the guy, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 people dying before the shooter gets ripped in half by a bunch of angry people who don't take no ****. It's not that 2 or 3 dead people is adcceptable, but it's better than everyone hiding and waiting for the killer to take his time playing hide and seek, and killing 20 people before his reign of terror is over.
Ever consider bugs don't have a very big brain? I don't think its worth charging a guy that can just spray a few rounds in a circle and take you all out... Spray a few rounds in a circle... lol I don't think that would work very well.if this guy is using a sawn off 12 guage it would take much to wipe out a whole room...
With a shotgun, you don't "spray". Its not a pistol or smg. Assuming its the type where you can only load 2 shells in at a time, well yeah.What is iwth you guys getting all serious about guns and ending all of your sentences like "..." or ":|"
Making the situation so much more dramatic than it really is.
[QUOTE="AForceUser123"]nobody talks to this kid and hes gonna come up to me and say that.
hes a ginger.
hes a 9th grader.
bout 5'5
he told another person he was gonna shoot them in the throat and eat there adams apple.
he told me if he saw me he would shoot me in the knee cap.
Okay, there are several flaws here.
First: That kid can't handle a sawn-off. He'd most likely bust it out like a pistol and break his ****ing wrist trying to fire it.:|
Second: Since when is a kid who threatened to blow off your kneecap a "semi-friend"?:|
Third: Eat their Adam's apple? Is he a ****ing cannibal or something? :|
This story is fake
[QUOTE="muppet1010"][QUOTE="DivergeUnify"]Spray a few rounds in a circle... lol I don't think that would work very well.
if this guy is using a sawn off 12 guage it wouldnt take much to wipe out a whole room...
With a shotgun, you don't "spray". Its not a pistol or smg. Assuming its the type where you can only load 2 shells in at a time, well yeah.What is iwth you guys getting all serious about guns and ending all of your sentences like "..." or ":|"
Making the situation so much more dramatic than it really is.
lol I dont really know why I end everything with a "..." I just do :P and the :| face isa staple of Ot seing as there are alot of :| moments
but a sawn off 12 guage shotgun will have a massive "grapeshot" effect i.e. a large area will will be "sprayed" for lack of a better word so alot of people will get hit.
okay obviously the TC is lying, he just read about the columbine incident on wikipedia, found out they used a sawed off shotgun, and saidhis "character" is going to use one,trying to make it seem believable, when really he didn't know what he was talking about, and didn't realize thatthis is basically impossible.lawl4brawlIm with u
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