Can't say I expect much with a mostly american audience, but whatever.
My claim: The us dropped the bomb to intimidate the Russians
Puplished source:
"Of greatest interest, perhaps, is another factor. The traditional argument has been that solely military considerations were involved in the decision to use the bomb; increasingly, however, the once con- troversial idea that diplomatic issues-especially the hope of strengthening the West against the Soviet Union-played a signif- icant role in the decision has gained widespread scholarly accep- tance. Although analysts still debate exactly how much weight to accord such factors, that they were involved is now well established for most experts. Modern research findings, for instance, clearly demonstrate that from April 1945 on, top American officials calculated that using the atomic bomb would enormously bolster U.S. diplomacy vis-a- vis the Soviet Union in negotiations over postwar Europe and the Far East. The atomic bomb was not, in fact, initially brought to Tru- man's attention because of its relationship to the war against Japan, but because of its likely impact on diplomacy."
Foriegn Policy, Issue 99, Summer 1995
My Claim: The Japanese were interested in surrendering before the war
Published source:
"The Japanese government turned to the Soviet government in July 1945, asking Marshall Stalin to intercede with the Allies and help bring the war to an amicable end."
World Affairs, Volume 156, Issue 1, summer 1993
My Claim: The Russian invasion was the move that forced the Japanese to surrender
Published Source:
"Early on the morning of August 9, the top four officials in the foreign ministry (Togo, Matsumoto, Ando, and Sibusawa) gathered at Togo's residence. They immediately came to the conclusion that there was no alternative but to accept the Potsdam Proclamation"
Later that day,
"The Soviet Union has declared war against us, and entered into a state of war as of today. Because of this it is necessary to study and decide of the termination of the war" -Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
- Racing the Enemy
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