Umm... I live in a socialist democracy? I like it ^^
guess there is a reason that the nordic countries are the place with most wealth per citisen, free medicare, free education (and still usually lie in the top 10-20 in our effeciency).
Ironicly I somewhat give credit to socialism that the Danes are the least religious people in the world, as in we are goverened by Logic, and science, we do have an official church, and pay taxes to it, but religion is pretty much a political suicide if a politician gets into the subject.
I kinda like our fairly high taxes, to support the infrastructure, a sa collective, and I do like that even if you get fired, you still "get" about 2000$ a month, to support your life (if you have children it is higher). I also kinda love the minimum wage is set where it is set, andthat basicly anyone can get a high paying job, without his/her parrents have to pay for education, and hope it turns out (the average Job in Denmark pt. lies at about 6000$)
Capitalism is somewhat scary to me (together with communism), I sort of see them as extremes, which both dictates a human beings worth before they are born, and I can not really see any of them as total "freedom"because if you were born from the wrong parrents you are pretty much knee deep in it, a few makes it out but most dont.
I guess that If I were American I would be a Democrat, huh? ^^Cant say alot about the states in particular, since Ive never been there. I guess they are not balls-to-the-wallCapitalistic either...
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