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"Science has proven there is no God"
Oh dude, you kill me. God is supernaturaly, science can only prove things that are 1) in the natural 2) not too complex for our understanding. Just think about it;)
Before Christ was born people believed in the 12 gods of Olympus because they couldn't understand nature.That is,they couldnt explain how a thunder could happen or,a question that remains until today,what happens after death etc,so they chose to follow religion to answer all that cannot be answered.Science progressed andthustheystopped believing in them because they had answered the questions they had.If science manages to answer what's beyond death and the answer is irrelevant to the religion,then people wont have any choice than not to believe in religion any more.That's an example and my oppinion.Science plays a major role yet right now it isn't enough to cover all the answers of life we have so we choose another option.As science proggresses more,more answers are gonna be answered and more doubts will eventually appear to question the religion.Science can prove and disprove many things.That's my thought.
[QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="AgileNate"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="AgileNate"]I see it the same. Both following something, taking whats good and leaving the bad.AgileNate
Leaving the bad? What's the "bad" in science? Everything is studied upon..
The bad mostly fills the proven wrong theories. People at one point studied upon the world being flat.
You can't compare the close-to non-existent science from the middle ages to the science of today.Science was still in it's cradle at that point...
But what I meant about the Earth is flat theory is that one thing can drastically change many or the outcome. For today Global Warming can be an issue of non exsistence( I believe global warming is real) but one day a new study could prove it right or wrong.
Global Warming is fact....The question is: Is it humanity that causes it?
Well im not sure what i think, i come from a Christian family and would not really consider myself a Christian, but i do beleive in god?
The thing with science, its just as stupid as religion. I mean so much of it goes of theories. I mean what created the universe, dont even start with that big bang crap, because if there is NOTHING something had to be there in the beginning and what created that. I mean absolutely nothing , not a big dark place, not even darkness existed, so what created darkness? And how can nothing suddenly explode shooting crap all over the place? And the scientist say that the very fabric of life the universe is this thing, sorta like atoms and all that but they have no proof it exists? cos they haven't yet found it, but its gota exist?
And if all life has evolved how is it only on this planet, or not mars or the next planet down the line? And dont say cos this is the only planet that can support life because thats stupid. Mars is to cold? The arctics to cold for acamel butnot for a polar bear, just like mars isnt to cold for a marshan (very bad example, but the point is all life adapts, so if we evolved to live in our conditions just like animals in there why not aliens adapt to live in the conditions of what ever planet there on" I mean what was the starting of life on earth?
There had to be something before? All humans white, black anywhere in the world had to come from the same place if you go back long enough.What started that life? What science says is just stupid.THERE HAD TO BE SOMETHING THERE BEFORE!! And science just cant come up with and anwer, but Christianity can.
O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
The argument's been made that Christianity made Europe. It didn't. Roman rule did, that just so happened to have Christianity in the deal too.O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
why do both sides always rag on each other. No matter what you believe, no one is going to change your mind am i correct. People believe in God because their is hope and salvation for those who believe. People believe in science because theories have been "proven". These theads suck because no one will ever stop arguing and it pisses me off having to listen to this I refuse to say what i believe, because i ll get ragged on, i respect your beliefs so why not respect others and these threads shouldn't be made I wish the administration would ban people who make these threads.
Well im not sure what i think, i come from a Christian family and would not really consider myself a Christian, but i do beleive in god?
The thing with science, its just as stupid as religion. I mean so much of it goes of theories. I mean what created the universe, dont even start with that big bang crap, because if there is NOTHING something had to be there in the beginning and what created that. I mean absolutely nothing , not a big dark place, not even darkness existed, so what created darkness? And how can nothing suddenly explode shooting crap all over the place? And the scientist say that the very fabric of life the universe is this thing, sorta like atoms and all that but they have no proof it exists? cos they haven't yet found it, but its gota exist?
And if all life has evolved how is it only on this planet, or not mars or the next planet down the line? And dont say cos this is the only planet that can support life because thats stupid. Mars is to cold? The arctics to cold for acamel butnot for a polar bear, just like mars isnt to cold for a marshan (very bad example, but the point is all life adapts, so if we evolved to live in our conditions just like animals in there why not aliens adapt to live in the conditions of what ever planet there on" I mean what was the starting of life on earth?
There had to be something before? All humans white, black anywhere in the world had to come from the same place if you go back long enough.What started that life? What science says is just stupid.THERE HAD TO BE SOMETHING THERE BEFORE!! And science just cant come up with and anwer, but Christianity can.
O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
It isnt simple for life to be created dude...And we dont know where aliens exist(well probably some of us know).As simple as that.
[QUOTE="Darthric"]The argument's been made that Christianity made Europe. It didn't. Roman rule did, that just so happened to have Christianity in the deal too.O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
I dont think Christianity made Europe, but i think its given alot,and people should at least respect that. People always seem to want to blame it for everything, but i think the worlds a much better place with it...
[QUOTE="quiglythegreat"][QUOTE="Darthric"]The argument's been made that Christianity made Europe. It didn't. Roman rule did, that just so happened to have Christianity in the deal too.O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
I dont think Christianity made Europe, but i think its given alot,and people should at least respect that. People always seem to want to blame it for everything, but i think the worlds a much better place with it...
How can one know how the world could be without religion?I personally agree with you though.We have to have morals torespect and as a result to survive,which are given to us as a result for believing into something.Even if it is religion or an advice from our parents when we were young.
[QUOTE="quiglythegreat"][QUOTE="Darthric"]O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
I dont think Christianity made Europe, but i think its given alot,and people should at least respect that. People always seem to want to blame it for everything, but i think the worlds a much better place with it...
Well it's the truth of Christianity rather then its awesomeness that people have a problem with. Religion might be a necessary white lie for people who can't justify morality without a God but that does not make it true. The people here on OT are arguing against the truth of religion not the positive effects that it has for everybody. You might say:
"It's a lie to you, but not to them it is complete truth and as such, they believe it.
Live and let live. Happiness is rare and if believing in such things makes them happy, then they are fully entitled to it." (thank you Marisa)
But that does not alter the suspicion that it is all based on falsehood, real as it might be for those who believe in it. This leaves us in a very difficult moral position. We must decide which is more wrong; to take away somebody's entire way of life or to remove a lie from the moral fibre of society. Quite the conundrum isn't it?
...I mean,science has proved there is no god right?I am not flaming but I just wanna know.What makes you believe in god?wii4panta
First, you cannot prove anything in science because there has been flaws shown false. (Biogenesis, which was a theory about maggots being formed out of rotting things) Second, if you think really carefully, you sure that God doesn't exist?
Anyway, I believe in God because I refuse to believe that the universe was created by chance. There are too many complex designs and animals and yet some of us think it happened by chance.
...I mean,science has proved there is no god right?I am not flaming but I just wanna know.What makes you believe in god?wii4panta
The only thing that science proved is that this world will definitly come to an end.
[QUOTE="wii4panta"]...I mean,science has proved there is no god right?I am not flaming but I just wanna know.What makes you believe in god?Achilles438
The only thing that science proved is that this world will definitly come to an end.
Nonsense. The bible proves that.[QUOTE="Darthric"][QUOTE="quiglythegreat"][QUOTE="Darthric"]O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
I dont think Christianity made Europe, but i think its given alot,and people should at least respect that. People always seem to want to blame it for everything, but i think the worlds a much better place with it...
Well it's the truth of Christianity rather then its awesomeness that people have a problem with. Religion might be a necessary white lie for people who can't justify morality without a God but that does not make it true. The people here on OT are arguing against the truth of religion not the positive effects that it has for everybody. You might say:
"It's a lie to you, but not to them it is complete truth and as such, they believe it.
Live and let live. Happiness is rare and if believing in such things makes them happy, then they are fully entitled to it." (thank you Marisa)
But that does not alter the suspicion that it is all based on falsehood, real as it might be for those who believe in it. This leaves us in a very difficult moral position. We must decide which is more wrong; to take away somebody's entire way of life or to remove a lie from the moral fibre of society. Quite the conundrum isn't it?
But there again if it was found a lie, is it necessary to take it away? Would we be in a better position? Human have always believed in greater life for out there watching over them. This is perhaps a human need, i would not like to live in the knowledge that my existence is only to continue existence, untill the end in any random way.But if Christianity was disproved perhaps that is something i would come to terms with and simply live with.
This argument will never end, i believe, but i think everyone has the right to believer what they want. I like to think my self and open minded person, im not guna tell you this earthquake was an act of god, and im not going to tell you everything in the bible is right. And i would give up my beliefs if someone could prove theres no god, but you simply cant. And another thing, i think theirs more evidence to support the fact there is than there isnt.
I just woulds like to know what was there at the very beginning. And theres just no decent answer out there other than religion. I mean does anyone believe the big bang?
[QUOTE="_Marisa_"][QUOTE="wii4panta"][QUOTE="_Marisa_"]It's impossible for science to prove there is no God. I'm sure people have their reasons as to why they believe what they do.
And thus they prefer to live and believe in a lie...this is beyond my comprehension.
Of course.But there are many exaggerations inreligion that lead this kind of faith to being unreasonable.And that is why I dont wanna believe in god.Although I was born achristian,facts,apart from science,have led me to the conclusion that there is no god but I may be wrong.That's why I ask what makes them believe in god.
You do realize that Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Judas, Peter etc. were all real people who aren't remembered thousands of years later for doing nothing right?
[QUOTE="Achilles438"][QUOTE="wii4panta"]...I mean,science has proved there is no god right?I am not flaming but I just wanna know.What makes you believe in god?CptJSparrow
The only thing that science proved is that this world will definitly come to an end.
Nonsense. The bible proves that.i c wut u did thar.Darthric
O yea and dont take Christianity for granted, everyones quick to complain about religion these days, but lets not forget the very fabric of the morals, lawsand ideals of the Western world comes from it. We would not be where we are now if it wasent for faith.
I dont think Christianity made Europe, but i think its given alot,and people should at least respect that. People always seem to want to blame it for everything, but i think the worlds a much better place with it...
Well it's the truth of Christianity rather then its awesomeness that people have a problem with. Religion might be a necessary white lie for people who can't justify morality without a God but that does not make it true. The people here on OT are arguing against the truth of religion not the positive effects that it has for everybody. You might say:
"It's a lie to you, but not to them it is complete truth and as such, they believe it.
Live and let live. Happiness is rare and if believing in such things makes them happy, then they are fully entitled to it." (thank you Marisa)
But that does not alter the suspicion that it is all based on falsehood, real as it might be for those who believe in it. This leaves us in a very difficult moral position. We must decide which is more wrong; to take away somebody's entire way of life or to remove a lie from the moral fibre of society. Quite the conundrum isn't it?
But there again if it was found a lie, is it necessary to take it away? Would we be in a better position? Human have always agreed in greater life for out there watching over them. This is perhaps a human need, i would not like to live in the knowledge that my existence is only to continue existence, untill the end in any random way.But if Christianity was disproved perhaps that is somethingi would come to terms with and simply live with.
This argument will never end, i believe, but i think everyone has the right to believer what they want. I like to think my self and open minded person, im not guna tell you this earthquake was an act of god, and im not going to tell you everything in the bible is right. And i would give up my beliefs if someone could prove theres no god, but you simply cant. And another thing, i think theirs more evidence to support the fact there is than there isnt.
I just woulds like to know what was there at the very beginning. And theres just no decent answer out there other than religion. I mean does anyone believe the big band?
Of course it's unneccesary to take religion away and no we would most definitely not be in a better position. Take away religion and people would become incredibly selfish which would absolutely destroy society. However this simply does not account for God being real, It only necessitates that we believe he is real. There is a difference and it is very important especially to people who do not require a divinity or a religion for a healthy set of morals. People like this are becoming more and more prevalent which means that eventually religion will become an unneccesary white lie and persuading people out of it will be justifiable.
Everyone does have a right to believe in what they want to and I am appreciative for open minded people like you Darthic but rights and open mindedness are irrelevant when it comes to truth.
...I mean,science has proved there is no god right?I am not flaming but I just wanna know.What makes you believe in god?wii4pantascience has not, by any stretch of the imagination, proven that there is no God
God created humans with a soul and nothing else living has a soul. God gave us a soul so we can have the opportunity to live with him forever when we die. God doesn't force us to choose to accept him; he gives each of us the ability to choose how to live our one and only life. It isn't unfair for God to send those that reject him to hell when they die. If God allowed everyone into heaven then he wouldn't have had to send Jesus to die for our sins. Science hasn't proven the Bible to be wrong; in fact the Bible has been historicall proven to be true. God is a loving God and his desire is for each of us to spend eternity with him. Each of us has to research all religions and then make a decision on which one we'll follow. Just remember that the choice you make will decide where you'll spend eternity.cukoo
[QUOTE="darkfox101"]theres just to many coincidences that everything just came together perfectly itself and bam, life was formed w/o some sort of god??zepman71
Why do people find this so hard to believe
Read my blog. You'll see why.;)
[QUOTE="zepman71"][QUOTE="darkfox101"]theres just to many coincidences that everything just came together perfectly itself and bam, life was formed w/o some sort of god??Silver_Dragon17
Why do people find this so hard to believe
Read my blog. You'll see why.;)
Oh yeah, I'm sure we'd rather read a teenager's evolutionist blog instead of doing real research on the internet or reading books by other authors.Science most certainly has NOT proven God does not exist. . .if anything, science has strengthened the belief in God.Silver_Dragon17Good point.
Have you ever thought of Why you think Science has proved Religion wrong? Maybe because you are actually taught about it and not the other?It also answers your recent comment about kids believing god because they told so.
Religion can easily disprove Science as Science can disprove Religion. BTW I dont have a religion but I dont waste time trying to prove it right or wrong as it will gain me nothing but hate.
Let's see religion disprove the science that makes my television work.
[QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"][QUOTE="zepman71"][QUOTE="darkfox101"]theres just to many coincidences that everything just came together perfectly itself and bam, life was formed w/o some sort of god??Solid_Snake325
Why do people find this so hard to believe
Read my blog. You'll see why.;)
Oh yeah, I'm sure we'd rather read a teenager's evolutionist blog instead of doing real research on the internet or reading books by other authors.1. My blog is not evolutionist.
2. My blog has PLENTY of references.
[Have you ever thought of Why you think Science has proved Religion wrong? Maybe because you are actually taught about it and not the other?It also answers your recent comment about kids believing god because they told so.
Religion can easily disprove Science as Science can disprove Religion. BTW I dont have a religion but I dont waste time trying to prove it right or wrong as it will gain me nothing but hate.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for one to disprove the other. Entirely impossible. They do, however, compliment eachother.
[QUOTE="Solid_Snake325"][QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"][QUOTE="zepman71"][QUOTE="darkfox101"]theres just to many coincidences that everything just came together perfectly itself and bam, life was formed w/o some sort of god??Silver_Dragon17
Why do people find this so hard to believe
Read my blog. You'll see why.;)
Oh yeah, I'm sure we'd rather read a teenager's evolutionist blog instead of doing real research on the internet or reading books by other authors.1. My blog is not evolutionist.
2. My blog has PLENTY of references.
References to ....:roll:
Link us some proper sites...
[QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"][QUOTE="Solid_Snake325"][QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"][QUOTE="zepman71"][QUOTE="darkfox101"]theres just to many coincidences that everything just came together perfectly itself and bam, life was formed w/o some sort of god??jointed
Why do people find this so hard to believe
Read my blog. You'll see why.;)
Oh yeah, I'm sure we'd rather read a teenager's evolutionist blog instead of doing real research on the internet or reading books by other authors.1. My blog is not evolutionist.
2. My blog has PLENTY of references.
References to ....:roll:
Link us some proper sites...
And what does the particular site have anything to do with it?
[QUOTE="AgileNate"]Have you ever thought of Why you think Science has proved Religion wrong? Maybe because you are actually taught about it and not the other?It also answers your recent comment about kids believing god because they told so.
Religion can easily disprove Science as Science can disprove Religion. BTW I dont have a religion but I dont waste time trying to prove it right or wrong as it will gain me nothing but hate.
Let's see religion disprove the science that makes my television work.
Now read what I stated , I never said it can prove Everything wrong and why would someone want to disprove the working of television when it was created with electricity? If you see religious people try and debate about how TV works then they are just stupid.
You do know that it is possible to believe both right? Einstein was one that did.
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