Ok, OT, I need your valued input/ideas. I have phase 1 of an assignment coming up and it's a proposal of how I would go about breaking a social norm. I'll give you an example:
Breaking a social norm would be getting in an elevator but, instead of staring at the door, you stare at everybody else for the the entire ride up. It makes people feel uncomfortable and "out of their comfort zone."
That's my assignment--to come up with something (that I will have to do, eventually) that makes people feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the elevator example was used by my professor and I, therefore, cannot use it. I have a couple ideas as to what I might do, but I also figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to get other people's input as well. There's only one rule, really: whatever social norm I break can't cause physical harm to myself or anybody else or cause mental harm to anybody. It can't be something I could get arrested for, either. For example: calling random people "pedophiles" while I gauge their reaction would be something I cannot do. So, bearing in mind that I will actually have to do this in real life, what are some suggestions? What things do you find uncomfortable when in a social environment?
TL;DR: What scenarios make you feel uncomfortable in public? It will be something I must eventually do to people on a college campus or around town and then record reactions.
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