I agree with that, but why don't the religious and political leaders of Muslim countries educate the people on a greater scale? Or publicly condemn these actions. I'm sure if their own priests start preaching against this sort of thing, it might reduce casualties? We (in the western world, at least) never hear about Muslim outrage at these sort of anti-western attacks. I mean, the first thing you hear after some sort of misstep has been committed by a Catholic figure (child abuse has been the latest thing), the next day the Pope condemns it and it makes the rounds on most international media.
Correct me if I was wrong, but wasn't the Catholic church covering these sorts of incidents up for a LONG time by transferring the people who did these sorts of crimes?
On another note, how true is it that the Muslims who hold this attitude are generally uneducated? That recent incident where an informant killed a bunch of CIA agents...wasn't the killer a doctor? I hear different things about this, but one of the claims I've heard is that a significant number of suicide bombers are not "uneducated". They've gotten college educations, they have an education, but for some reason they turn to violence and murder in the name of God. I'm not sure how true or false this is, so someone more knowledgeable can correct me on this.
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