From my damn dirty neighbors. We've been here for 4 years and never even had ants now we get new loud and uncaring neighbors with their filth.. i live in a townhouse (NOT FOR LONG NOW) I just killed the biggest ****ing roach.. i think it was one of them prehistoric ones that ate mammals because my heart freaking stopped. I need some motivation to help me get this thing up, I used my sisters shoe. It was her Baby Phat shoe. Shes going to be pissed and I have a few hours left because shes going to wear them to school. This thing had to be over 3 inches.. I feel the need to put it in an invelope and send it to apartment management.
Please help me get mentally prepared to do this... I felt like i was playing freaking Oblivion this thing is so huge. i was about to get my iron bow and steel arrows out for massive damange
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