Because, like, the movies and comics make it seem like spiders have this wondrous ability to sense any attacks and avoid them.
But see...I've actually owned spiders. And I've caught many spiders. And in my anecdotal experience, one thing I've learned is that spiders can't sense a damn thing until you get right up in their faces.
Really...catching a spider is something like this...
Step 1: See a spider.
Step 2: GRab a cup.
Step 3: Walk up to spider, and casually position cup one inch above spider.
Step 4: Quickly place cup over spider, trapping spider.
Spiders are dumb as hell. Not only are they dumb, but they can't sense ****.
Think about it this way. If a spider that you see in your home is like Spider-Man, then you're like ****ing GALACTUS. And yet, you can't see Galactus coming until he's about two inches in front of your face.
THAT is what spiders are like.
Really man, spiders are weak as hell. Ever seen one of those big ass spiders that makes those big 3 foot wide webs? Well next time you see one of those spiders, LOOK AT IT. Notice that you're about a MILLION times its size, and it won't react to you walking past it. Spiders see an animal a MILLION times their size get within easy snacking distance, and they have no freaking idea just how close they came to getting eaten.
For added kicks, next time you see one of those spiders, blow on it. Put your face right next to the bastard and just breathe on it. The spider's defense? It doesn't shoot poison at you, it doesn't jump on your face and bite your eyeball. No, it sits smack dab right in the middle of its web and ROCKS BACK AND FORTH. As if the fact that it now turned its web into a rocking chair is somehow going to hurt you, or prevent you from totally destroying the ****ing animal.
Dude, spiders suck. If Spider-Man actually got Spider-Powers from a spider, here's what would happen in the real world. He would suddenly become almost completely blind, and he'd become a drooling idiot with an IQ of 30. During his battles with the Green Goblin, his preferred fighting tactic would then be to run 5 feet in any random direction, and then stop in the hopes that the Green Goblin can't see him anymore.
So really, where the HELL did Stan Lee get the idea that getting spider-powers would make a human being awesome?
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