Spider-Man 3 was a mess of a movie but it was sort of expected. The hype was HUGE for the movie and despite it being "passable" in a way or another, it just wasn't that good because of the hype and the amazing Spider-Man 2. The movie was rushed, 3 villians? For a nearly 3 hours movie? It didn't work. What they needed to do is work with ONE villian (Sandman) and keep the Harry business GROW during the movie and he becomes "New Goblin" towards the end.
The problem was that, the symbiote and Venom was TOTALLY UNEEDED in this movie. The symbiote TERM wasn't even used (probably ONCE) in the movie. Topher, despite me liking the actor a LOT because of That 70's Show, was totally not used to his potential! They should've really not wasted Topher completely in this movie. Just soo many bad decisions in all honesty but I know very well that with that much pressure from the execs and the fans, Raimi really didn't have much freedom with this movie unlike the first 2. Still a very DISAPPOINTING movie. It was bad but mostly due to hype and very bad writing & directing. It's watchable but still... You'd expect MORE from such a big release.
Now onto the reboot scenario... There is a big reason as to why that happend. You may know how DISNEY bought MARVEL entertainement for 4 billion dollars and how they retain the rights to anything Marvel. Sony signed a 6 movie contract deal with Marvel back when they were starting the Spider-Man franchise and now that DISNEY owns MARVEL, after the 6th movie by Sony, DISNEY can do whatever they want with the IP. So there you go, Sony knows the 3rd movie brought in quite the hate with the series. Raimi was getting even MORE pressured and then he just snapped because he couldn't work with the execs at Sony for the 4th movie. So instead of getting a new director, they decided to restart.
Now there is a lot of flaws in that logic and I seriously agree that they should've waited about another 5 years before actually releasing that movie but I think there is some sort of closed deal within Marvel, Sony & Disney which could probably mention how Sony retaining the IP for the next 3 Spider-Man movies have an expiration date on it. It probably happend due to legal issues and all concerning the merger Marvel had. It's all speculation here but that's probably one of the "logical" reasons as to why Sony would be releasing their reboot so early. I mean they could probably be after the new audience but the 3rd movie came out barely 3 years ago.
Now also, Tobey is getting old. He's what in his late 20's? early 30's? Similar to the new Bond's they have after every 3 - 5 Bond movies, Spider-Man is a young dude from high school - university. Despite many of his fans seeing him go through his whole life, fight Morlun and all of that, the audience is huge! The biggest audience the movie will have, are young kid and teens. They want to see a young actor and a cool story, that's what Spider-Man is, a funny super hero who doesn't know when to shut up!
One thing Raimi did EXCELLENTLY was building up who PETER PARKER IS. However, despite the story being about Peter Parker, it's about SPIDER-MAN. He got the man behind the mask very well but he never built up the funny super hero he really is which is something that always bothered me in Spidey movies.
Anyways so I'm guessing they want the younger audience with new actors, new story and new ... everything! I find it a very dumb idea to release the reboot in 2012 but alas, hopefully they will do it well. It's kinda hard to see a Spidey movie without Tobey but oh well, that's what I said about Pierce Brosnan and I love Daniel Craig even more! :P
Oh and on topic, Spider-Man 3 was pretty bad.:P But I guess they ended the trilogy without being even more messy.
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