Recently it seems there have been alot more female users appearing on gamespot. Not just new users, but also old users revealing their gender. I remember long ago you could make a topic that had the title "How big are your nuts?" and you could be certain that no woman would come along and say "i am nutless".
I dont mind femal users here. I like the diversity. But when i see a female users with a moderately attractive avatar i also see hundreds of male users flocking to her like flies on a rotting camel.
This girl will make a journal entry, like so.
"Hello gs, this is my first journal entry. how are you today?"
And BAM, 500 comments and friend requests. I don't know i these girls are attention whores or just overwhelmed by the sudden torrent of testosteron suddenly flinged at their mail inboxes.
What are the females feelings on this? 'Cause you know revealing yourself to be a female on an online community, especially one full of geeky gamers, will result in the most flattering of all acts, which is stalking.
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