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Judging from the responses on this thread, I think they are going with a Wii-like strategy, attempting to appeal to non-fans.xaosThose were my thoughts when I first saw the trailers. It's definitely aimed for the the non-fans.
[QUOTE="xaos"]Judging from the responses on this thread, I think they are going with a Wii-like strategy, attempting to appeal to non-fans.martialbulletThose were my thoughts when I first saw the trailers. It's definitely aimed for the the non-fans. From some of my friends and co-workers who've seen it they said that it has a lot of things in it for the fans. Of course they are trying to do a mass appeal as well -- but fans will not be disappointed. I'm personally excited and counting down the hours. :D
Never seen a Star Trek episode in my life and I'm going to see it.
One more thing.Of course they're going to show action,sex, and CGI in the trailer becausethose things areinteresting.You think people will beinterested in this if the trailer just showed a bunch of talking?
[QUOTE="martialbullet"][QUOTE="xaos"]Judging from the responses on this thread, I think they are going with a Wii-like strategy, attempting to appeal to non-fans.SajedeneThose were my thoughts when I first saw the trailers. It's definitely aimed for the the non-fans. From some of my friends and co-workers who've seen it they said that it has a lot of things in it for the fans. Of course they are trying to do a mass appeal as well -- but fans will not be disappointed. I'm personally excited and counting down the hours. :D Yeah, I don't think they would alienate the fans. Back at comic-con 07 when they previewed the whole thing at the panel, I couldn't be any less excited even with Leonard Nimoy at the table. Now I'm somewhat interested in watching it. Funny thing is the shirts they gave away said it would be out by December 2008.
[QUOTE="martialbullet"][QUOTE="xaos"]Judging from the responses on this thread, I think they are going with a Wii-like strategy, attempting to appeal to non-fans.SajedeneThose were my thoughts when I first saw the trailers. It's definitely aimed for the the non-fans. From some of my friends and co-workers who've seen it they said that it has a lot of things in it for the fans. Of course they are trying to do a mass appeal as well -- but fans will not be disappointed. I'm personally excited and counting down the hours. :D I don't agree at all. I know people refusing to watch it because of the alternations they have made, yes they threw a lot of things in but they have erased a lot more.
I am a big TNG fan, but that one look like a random cgi with sex and non-stop action. While I don't care about sex, action and ton of CGI in movies, this is star trek... It might be a good movie for non-trek fan, but I dunno. I have the feeling they completly missed what made trek so interesting in the first place: strong characters with personality (Not a bunch of teen who come from stupid movies.) and a nice story.
This. I don't mind action movies, although I do have a threshold as far as mindlessness is concerned, but that is NOT what Trek is. This just looks like, "let's make it modern and sexy and risque and full of special effects." That's so cliched, and so against what Trek is.
I am a big TNG fan, but that one look like a random cgi with sex and non-stop action. While I don't care about sex, action and ton of CGI in movies, this is star trek... It might be a good movie for non-trek fan, but I dunno. I have the feeling they completly missed what made trek so interesting in the first place: strong characters with personality (Not a bunch of teen who come from stupid movies.) and a nice story.
I have the same feeling. I think they are going to miss some of the subetly and themes that made Star Trek, Star Trek.
I've been a fan for nearly my whole life and I'm looking forward to this. :D I'm still kinda bummed about Enterprise though... in season 4 it finally became the show that it should have always been, then it got cut. Voyager still left a bad taste in my mouth... and hopefully the DS9 vibe that I'm feeling isn't misguided. That is still my favorite Star Trek show, period.MAILER_DAEMON
Finally someone who shares my opinion about Enterprise.It was actually quite good in its last season. They canned it just when it was getting some interesting story arcs, and the finale was a travesty. Voyager was pure cheese. Such a lame show that never would have lastedif Jeri Ryan didn't look so good in skin tight spandex. And I could never get into DS9. That show always put me to sleep. TNG is my favorite series, probably because it's what I grew up on. Really only watched TOS for its camp value (tribbles, remote controlled Spock), but I do enjoy the TOS movies.
Anyway, I'm not sure what to think of the new movie. Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are so iconic as Kirk and Spock, I originally thoughta reboot or prequel would be pretty misguided. Although thetrailers look decent enough.
[QUOTE="MAILER_DAEMON"]I've been a fan for nearly my whole life and I'm looking forward to this. :D I'm still kinda bummed about Enterprise though... in season 4 it finally became the show that it should have always been, then it got cut. Voyager still left a bad taste in my mouth... and hopefully the DS9 vibe that I'm feeling isn't misguided. That is still my favorite Star Trek show, period.AFraud
Finally someone who shares my opinion about Enterprise.It was actually quite good in its last season. They canned it just when it was getting some interesting story arcs, and the finale was a travesty. Voyager was pure cheese. Such a lame show that never would have lastedif Jeri Ryan didn't look so good in skin tight spandex. And I could never get into DS9. That show always put me to sleep. TNG is my favorite series, probably because it's what I grew up on. Really only watched TOS for its camp value (tribbles, remote controlled Spock), but I do enjoy the TOS movies.
Anyway, I'm not sure what to think of the new movie. Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are so iconic as Kirk and Spock, I originally thoughta reboot or prequel would be pretty misguided. Although thetrailers look decent enough.
I was looking forward to the Romulan War arc. They also planned on continuing the Mirror Universe arc and that was excellent.[QUOTE="xaos"]Judging from the responses on this thread, I think they are going with a Wii-like strategy, attempting to appeal to non-fans. Pretty unsurprising, given the ever-dwindling fanbase for the series since TNG went off the air.lucky326That's exactly what they have done. This film will completely annoy TOS fans and most TNG fans, especially the ending. But I liked TNG :o
[QUOTE="lucky326"][QUOTE="xaos"]Judging from the responses on this thread, I think they are going with a Wii-like strategy, attempting to appeal to non-fans. Pretty unsurprising, given the ever-dwindling fanbase for the series since TNG went off the air.Bourbons3That's exactly what they have done. This film will completely annoy TOS fans and most TNG fans, especially the ending. But I liked TNG :o
I love TNG. :o
I just read in USA Today, J.J. Abrams said he didn't watch much Star Trek. It looks like it from what I can see. Star Trek isn't and has never been about action. It's about sometime more -- it's an optimistic vision of our future, and that's what I like about it.
No, it's about scoring with scantily clad green chicks from space. Or fighting those commies... I mean Klingons!The problem is the plot of the film. They erase 40 years of Star Trek in 5 minutes.lucky326
Star Trek did this alternate timeline thing before.
It's sad to see so many of you writing the movie off based on the trailer, and ignoring that those who've already seen it say it has a great plot, great characters AND great action scenes.
I'd like a sequel featuring the Borg. First Contact was awesome.
[QUOTE="lucky326"] The problem is the plot of the film. They erase 40 years of Star Trek in 5 minutes.Baranga
Star Trek did this alternate timeline thing before.
It's sad to see so many of you writing the movie off based on the trailer, and ignoring that those who've already seen it say it has a great plot, great characters AND great action scenes.
I'd like a sequel featuring the Borg. First Contact was awesome.
But the problem is this is permanent. The changes they made can't be undone.I will be seeing it this weekend and all I can hope is that it is not a mindless action movie, because that is not Trek is about.
[QUOTE="Baranga"][QUOTE="lucky326"] The problem is the plot of the film. They erase 40 years of Star Trek in 5 minutes.lucky326
Star Trek did this alternate timeline thing before.
It's sad to see so many of you writing the movie off based on the trailer, and ignoring that those who've already seen it say it has a great plot, great characters AND great action scenes.
I'd like a sequel featuring the Borg. First Contact was awesome.
But the problem is this is permanent. The changes they made can't be undone.And many Star Trek episodes randomly changed other details too. Have you followed the IMDB Star Trek board? Since Cloverfield, there were countless debates between hardcore trekkies that refuse any change and people that pointed out various timeline flaws over time. For example, the date of the Third World War and of the Eugenics War are always changing.
Since time travel and alternate timelines are allowed in Star Trek, I fail to see the problem. A reboot or remake of anything Star Trek-related is always a viable option. Nothing was changed in Shatner's original series, this is just "another version of the truth". And since multiple universes are allowed, I don't think you can point out a certain correct universe.
I'm very curious to see what this alternate crew does. The "originals" already had their share of adventures.
[QUOTE="greenprince"]Kirk?:P Yup sorry about that I always spelt his name that way since my brother introduced me to the show.Don't care what anyone thinks, Kurt was the man better than Picard.
I want to watch it just to satisfy my curiosity. I really liked Star Trek when I was younger and I want to see if they capture enough of the Star Trek feel or if it's just a special effects CGI bonanza. Having said that, my friends are all watching it on Friday night, but I can't go with them because I'm working. :xmegageneyou can assume it will have loads of CGI effects but the question is will it do everything else well also
Don't care what anyone thinks, Kirk was the man better than Picard.greenprince
Blaspheme! Please do not spread your falsehoods here.
I'm watching it tonight. I'll let you know what I think.SajedeneWhere do you live :O it's only tuesday here, and it's not out til friday.
I've been a fan for nearly my whole life and I'm looking forward to this. :D I'm still kinda bummed about Enterprise though... in season 4 it finally became the show that it should have always been, then it got cut. Voyager still left a bad taste in my mouth... and hopefully the DS9 vibe that I'm feeling isn't misguided. That is still my favorite Star Trek show, period.MAILER_DAEMONYeah, I was also pissed that Enterprise had to go. Contrary to what a lot of trek fans feel, I really liked it. I think they really started to make something good with season 3 and then season 4 was proof that they weren't stopping the increase in quality. At least one more season would have done the show justice.
Anyway, I'm going to see the new movie. It might not entertain me in the way that the shows did, but the special effects look really nice, so I guess I'll at least be pleased with something.
[QUOTE="Sajedene"]I'm watching it tonight. I'll let you know what I think.XilePrincessWhere do you live :O it's only tuesday here, and it's not out til friday.I think she works in the movie business err something, so she gets to see things early and know the ending of TV shows before all of us... lucky. :x
Where do you live :O it's only tuesday here, and it's not out til friday.I think she works in the movie business err something, so she gets to see things early and know the ending of TV shows before all of us... lucky. :x Eh I wouldn't call it lucky at all. I already made a thread about it and my thoughts. In case you guys are interested.[QUOTE="XilePrincess"][QUOTE="Sajedene"]I'm watching it tonight. I'll let you know what I think.smokeydabear076
Yeah, I was also pissed that Enterprise had to go. Contrary to what a lot of trek fans feel, I really liked it. I think they really started to make something good with season 3 and then season 4 was proof that they weren't stopping the increase in quality. At least one more season would have done the show justice.[QUOTE="MAILER_DAEMON"]I've been a fan for nearly my whole life and I'm looking forward to this. :D I'm still kinda bummed about Enterprise though... in season 4 it finally became the show that it should have always been, then it got cut. Voyager still left a bad taste in my mouth... and hopefully the DS9 vibe that I'm feeling isn't misguided. That is still my favorite Star Trek show, period.smokeydabear076
Anyway, I'm going to see the new movie. It might not entertain me in the way that the shows did, but the special effects look really nice, so I guess I'll at least be pleased with something.
They finally got a good writing staff and decent producers in season 4, who realized that it was supposed to be a prequel show, not the battleground of 31st century Starfleet's Temporal Cold War. An interesting idea, but they should have saved that for a different show. Unfortunately, most of the fans (myself included) had already jumped ship when season one turned out to be such a bore... and ugh, I wish I could strangle whoever decided that the song from Patch Adams should be a Star Trek theme. I didn't discover season 4's greatness until the DVD releases. Then of course, Brannon and Braga wrote their "love letter to the fans" by suddenly thinking that every fan thought that The Next Generation was the best thing about Star Trek, and that Enterprise was a bad idea. "Dear fans, you suck."I should probably get tickets soon... I'll be the IMAX is already sold out for the next few days.
[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"]Yeah, I was also pissed that Enterprise had to go. Contrary to what a lot of trek fans feel, I really liked it. I think they really started to make something good with season 3 and then season 4 was proof that they weren't stopping the increase in quality. At least one more season would have done the show justice.[QUOTE="MAILER_DAEMON"]I've been a fan for nearly my whole life and I'm looking forward to this. :D I'm still kinda bummed about Enterprise though... in season 4 it finally became the show that it should have always been, then it got cut. Voyager still left a bad taste in my mouth... and hopefully the DS9 vibe that I'm feeling isn't misguided. That is still my favorite Star Trek show, period.MAILER_DAEMON
Anyway, I'm going to see the new movie. It might not entertain me in the way that the shows did, but the special effects look really nice, so I guess I'll at least be pleased with something.
They finally got a good writing staff and decent producers in season 4, who realized that it was supposed to be a prequel show, not the battleground of 31st century Starfleet's Temporal Cold War. An interesting idea, but they should have saved that for a different show. Unfortunately, most of the fans (myself included) had already jumped ship when season one turned out to be such a bore... and ugh, I wish I could strangle whoever decided that the song from Patch Adams should be a Star Trek theme. I didn't discover season 4's greatness until the DVD releases. I should probably get tickets soon... I'll be the IMAX is already sold out for the next few days. It was probably for the best that they dumped it. Maybe they caught on toward the end but that series just didn't seem like it could be saved. When they went and played the terrorist card with a big event in the series (I don't know what season that was) I groaned out loud.They finally got a good writing staff and decent producers in season 4, who realized that it was supposed to be a prequel show, not the battleground of 31st century Starfleet's Temporal Cold War. An interesting idea, but they should have saved that for a different show. Unfortunately, most of the fans (myself included) had already jumped ship when season one turned out to be such a bore... and ugh, I wish I could strangle whoever decided that the song from Patch Adams should be a Star Trek theme. I didn't discover season 4's greatness until the DVD releases. I should probably get tickets soon... I'll be the IMAX is already sold out for the next few days. It was probably for the best that they dumped it. Maybe they caught on toward the end but that series just didn't seem like it could be saved. When they went and played the terrorist card with a big event in the series (I don't know what season that was) I groaned out loud.Did you finish that story arc? It was in season 4, and it turned out to be a Romulan plot to frame a sect of Vulcans who were searching for the truth about Surak. T'Pol was the leader of the sect; the same T'Pol who oversaw Spock's wedding in Amok Time.[QUOTE="MAILER_DAEMON"][QUOTE="smokeydabear076"]
Yeah, I was also pissed that Enterprise had to go. Contrary to what a lot of trek fans feel, I really liked it. I think they really started to make something good with season 3 and then season 4 was proof that they weren't stopping the increase in quality. At least one more season would have done the show justice.
Anyway, I'm going to see the new movie. It might not entertain me in the way that the shows did, but the special effects look really nice, so I guess I'll at least be pleased with something.
[QUOTE="duxup"]It was probably for the best that they dumped it. Maybe they caught on toward the end but that series just didn't seem like it could be saved. When they went and played the terrorist card with a big event in the series (I don't know what season that was) I groaned out loud.Did you finish that story arc? It was in season 4, and it turned out to be a Romulan plot to frame a sect of Vulcans who were searching for the truth about Surak. T'Pol was the leader of the sect; the same T'Pol who oversaw Spock's wedding in Amok Time. Nope, that sounds cool, but that doesn't make playing the terrorism card any less sad. Star Trek always addressed issues in its own way, but the "OMG teh terrorists" stuff was way too blatant, and blunt.[QUOTE="MAILER_DAEMON"]They finally got a good writing staff and decent producers in season 4, who realized that it was supposed to be a prequel show, not the battleground of 31st century Starfleet's Temporal Cold War. An interesting idea, but they should have saved that for a different show. Unfortunately, most of the fans (myself included) had already jumped ship when season one turned out to be such a bore... and ugh, I wish I could strangle whoever decided that the song from Patch Adams should be a Star Trek theme. I didn't discover season 4's greatness until the DVD releases. I should probably get tickets soon... I'll be the IMAX is already sold out for the next few days.MAILER_DAEMON
Did you finish that story arc? It was in season 4, and it turned out to be a Romulan plot to frame a sect of Vulcans who were searching for the truth about Surak. T'Pol was the leader of the sect; the same T'Pol who oversaw Spock's wedding in Amok Time. Nope, that sounds cool, but that doesn't make playing the terrorism card any less sad. Star Trek always addressed issues in its own way, but the "OMG teh terrorists" stuff was way too blatant, and blunt.Star Trek has always been blunt about addressing current social issues though... even Star Trek IV was all about environmentalism and pollution, which was a hot topic in the mid-80's. "To boldly go where no man has gone before" was from a White House press booklet about space after Sputnik's launch. The original series itself came about in the midst of the space race, and the Klingons in many ways were a symbol of the Soviet Union (especially clear with Star Trek VI, which came out in 1991). Considering how blatant they've been in the past, I didn't see this as being any worse.[QUOTE="MAILER_DAEMON"][QUOTE="duxup"] It was probably for the best that they dumped it. Maybe they caught on toward the end but that series just didn't seem like it could be saved. When they went and played the terrorist card with a big event in the series (I don't know what season that was) I groaned out loud.
Nope, that sounds cool, but that doesn't make playing the terrorism card any less sad. Star Trek always addressed issues in its own way, but the "OMG teh terrorists" stuff was way too blatant, and blunt.Star Trek has always been blunt about addressing current social issues though... even Star Trek IV was all about environmentalism and pollution, which was a hot topic in the mid-80's. "To boldly go where no man has gone before" was from a White House press booklet about space after Sputnik's launch. The original series itself came about in the midst of the space race, and the Klingons in many ways were a symbol of the Soviet Union (especially clear with Star Trek VI, which came out in 1991). Considering how blatant they've been in the past, I didn't see this as being any worse. I don't think much about the movies past #3 so I don't count those. It just seemed like a cheap ploy.[QUOTE="duxup"]
[QUOTE="MAILER_DAEMON"]Did you finish that story arc? It was in season 4, and it turned out to be a Romulan plot to frame a sect of Vulcans who were searching for the truth about Surak. T'Pol was the leader of the sect; the same T'Pol who oversaw Spock's wedding in Amok Time.MAILER_DAEMON
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