Very good suggesstion.
Where I live, local retails tend to be the prevalent business and licensed third party agencies tend to thrive. Big brother here is so fat and stupid he doesn't even care about price tags (they're selling XIII-2 for $74 still...). Just be a good manager with the right variables in play and make the best of it, that's what investments are all about.In here we don't've large video game chains , but got large to individual music stores selling video games. That dosen't mean large stores won't come in future. Its best to take all things in consideration before starting video game buisness. I guess its wise to sell other things as well as video games ( music , movies , electronics , gadgets ) ETC. So if video games dosen't sell well , another item 'll sell.
If you have enough capital to invest in more than one field, go for it. Just remember, don't make the shop filled with wholesale junk from everywhere. These businesses are everywhere. Try to make your investment professional and concise. Nothing beats a smooth, sleek, pragmatic, non-barter nonsense store with great services.
Not having a chainstore is a huuuge plus you know, you'll practically dominate if you do it right.
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