Hi,I am looking for some advice. Mature good advice to be exact. I am 31 and am a gamer, been playing since the nintendo came out. I love video gaming. I have many systems and own a 360 and a wii. The wii is thanks to my wife. We have 5 kids all together. 2 are mine and 2 are hers and 1 together. Everyone in the family loves to play with the exception of the baby and my daughter who never got into it much. I know this is a lot of information but it's needed to give the full scope of the issue.
At Christmas we got the 3 boys, ages 7,7 and 11 a gamecube. This is what they wanted and of course we got them each a game. They are really into zelda the windwaker. The 2 seven year olds we have no problem with. It's the 11 yr old thats the issue. Chris is his name. Chris also has a ps2 which his mother had bought for him when he was 5, I think.
This was before we met and married. He loves his ps2 to say the least. It is old and is about to die but it does still work. So, here is the problem. he wants a xbox 360. He has 20 some games for the ps2 and 5 for the cube. None of which he has beat on the cube. Now he has some great games on the cube, zelda, metroid 1 and 2 and something else I just don't recall.I have had to ban all the children from swapping games because we will not play his own. He seems to only want what others have. I have a nice collection including Gears and bioshock and many more. I don't allow him to play or even watch.
I have in the past but very little. i don't want him playing something he is to young for. The language and mature content is the kicker. It has come to the point where I will rarly even discuss games with him because of his attitude. I have told him he is not allowed to buy anymore games until he has played and beat some of his current games. He says he will save up for a system and that is fine by me. I know that will take a long time at his age. The thing is, is what system is good for a kid of 11. He has 2 good systems. i looved my cube.
I think he has a "want" problem. Wanting what he doesn't have. And lets face it, In a house with 5 kids, money isn't exactly plentyfull. So I guess I am looking to resolve this internally. Are the sytems he has satisfactory or should I take it all and sell it, add what money he has saved up and buy him a next generation system. I also take issue with the lack of kid friendly games on the 360. I love the system but I know what will happen if I was to buy him one. He would bugg the you know what out of me about playing my games which are mature.
I know this is quite long but I need a little bit of fellow dad advice. Thanks for your time and response.
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