Well I can see what he's saying, really. Effectively, his message is that humans created this concept of "God" to explain their existence, and that, as such, "God" is really the name that people give to that which is responsible for their existence.
Order suggests design in my opinion. Therefore, I believe in a God. But to each his own I guess.
Define order.. Because the order of the universe is nothing like how we would see order.. The universe is actually extremely chaotic.
I'm not looking for a debate. I just think that order, more specifically the human body, is evidence of design. If you see a beautifully made sand castle on the beach, you'd automatically know that someone had to have built that sand castle. Not that it just happened to come together through the waves of the ocean and the sand randomly interacting with each other. It's a simple analogy, I know. But that's just how I feel and see it. I'm sure there is a flaw in my logic somewhere, but for now, I'm content in my belief. If I'm wrong, and there is no God, then I die and fade into nothingness. But if I'm right, and there is a God, I'll reap the rewards for my faith in the afterlife. It's a win-win situation in my opinion.
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